Chapter 1

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A/N: hey this is my first published fic, id love to hear feedback. It'll probably be a slow start while i try to come up w an actual plot. There will be smut in later chapters (as well as alternative chapters for those who arent into that)

After living in the house for years, you got used to the human's schedule. Even when plans seemed to get shook up you had always been more than prepared. To say you were good at what you do was an understatement. There was never a single time you could remember being anywhere close to caught. Not to mention how often the human was gone for days on end, leaving you to an entire home, empty and full of food, supplies, and even some extra luxury items. You never took enough to be noticed but it was nice to splurge here and there.

As it turned out this week had been one of those weeks where he had made plans to be gone ALL week! It was day 3 of his trip and you had gotten comfortable enough to start doing some of the extra things you got to do when he was gone for long... such as watch actual TV. And you could even watch the channels you actually wanted to watch instead of whatever the human put on. He never really seemed to actually watch anything he put on, which you thought was strange considering how fun it was.

You flipped the TV on and looked through the list of channels, deciding to turn on an episode of NCIS that had already begun. Settling yourself on the couch, a couple snacks in hand you were ready to chill out and take your own little vacation. At some point you feel yourself starting to drift off to sleep, only allowing yourself to sleep in such a vulnerable position after you reminded yourself the human wouldn't be back for another 4 days. Falling asleep with the tv still going, you curled up a little. Feeling more comfortable on the couch than in your own hidden bedroom.

Unfortunately with a TV running, some of the warning signs had been muffled. You didn't wake up when the door was being unlocked, nor when the door was opened and the human had arrived home. You didn't even flinch as his voice speaks up in notice of the playing television, muttering a quick,

"Shit did i leave that going when i left?!"

As he reached for the coffee table where the remote usually sat. When only he couldn't find it did he turn towards the couch, seeing the remote you had spent half an hour moving just from the table to the couch. Though he only looked at it for a split second as he stared at your small sleeping figure next to it. You weren't too much smaller than the remote was, around 4 and a half inches in height. The next thing you know its getting warmer, still mostly asleep you nestle into it the best you can.

Then suddenly you are very cold and very awake, you tremble as the cold smooth surface touches your skin. As you look around you while trying to find an escape from your near-invisible boundaries. When you go to look up you realize your cage is not an ice prison but some sort of large jar that must've been sitting on the kitchen counter. The lid sealed shut, your breathing becoming erratic as you imagine being suffocated in that jar, which no longer seemed very big and suddenly felt so stuffy. Outside the jar you see the human. Your mind reels as you try to understand how he had gotten home so early. You should've had plenty of time but this might be it for you.

The human paced back and forth trying to come up with a logically explanation of whats going on, how this person got into his home in the first place and how they had gotten so small, he was beyond confused, but suddenly broke out of it as you pounded on the sides of the glass, tearing welling up as you begged for him to open the jar. You felt like you were drowning in stale air, even though you hadn't been closed up for all that long.

Quickly he opened the jar lid, a constant stream of apologizes leaving his lips as he realized what he had done. He knew you couldn't escape the jar, the lid was too much. Everything was too much. He didn't know what to do. He reached his hand into the jar, fumbling to get ahold of you as you squirmed and fought back. Eventually he had you tripping over yourself, leaving an opening for him to gently grab you. You blush hard with eyes still watering as you feel his rough finger wrapped around your middle. It was a strange feeling, you had never been manhandled like this your whole life. He wasn't exactly hurting you, but he wasn't being as gentle as he could actually be.

Though he didn't really seem to have a plan of action once he had retrieved you as you both mostly just stared at each other in a mutual disbelief. After years of living in this house you had never had this close of a look at a human before, all of his beautiful features trained solely on you.

"I'm uh.... I'm Dan? And.. I'm also sorry about this whole um... who are you? What is going on?"

The man broke, his curiosity overweighing his need to give a short and clear introduction. He took a deep breath in as he suddenly realized he was forgetting to breathe. You hadn't actually used your voice in years... his sounded so healthy and strong as you attempted to get your name out.

"Y-(Y/N)" you croak out before clearing your throat and saying it again with a less gravely voice, "(Y/N) and youre not supposed to be back yet!"

He furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Stuff got cancelled because of the weather- wait why am i explaining this to you?! Why are you in my house? And how did you get so small?"

His large eyes still showing bewilderment. You look around you for a possible escape route as you continue to converse with Dan.

"I was born small! A-And I live here! But i promise if you let me go you'll never have to worry about me again!! I... I can move out right now!"

The longer this droned on the more panicked you were getting; his staring and tight hold on you seemed to never end.

"You live here? Where? Small people just... exist?"

More questions you were getting too worked up to keep responding too. Tears beaded the corners of your eyes before dripping down your face as you no longer attempted to form words.

"No no no- don't- fuck- uh..."

Dan reached to wipe the tears away with his thumb. His touch sent chills down your spine. One of your arms awkwardly clamped to your side, the other trying to push the finger away from your face. He looked upset as you did this.

"Ok so this is gonna suck, but i have to put you back in the jar while i call somebody..."

"No wait-!" You squeak out as you're suddenly dropped back into the jar. As your captor walks off into another room, you finally hear the TV clicking off and the sound of his smooth voice talking to somebody else. You continue to cry silently as you held your knees against your chest and let fate handle the rest. It was too late to do anything. He hadn't let you go and there was no telling was his plans were for you. Who could he even be calling?

Dan walked back into the kitchen, sighing as he looked at you in your jar. You didn't meet his gaze.

"Well you're still here so i guess this is real... my friend will be here in about an hour, just so you're totally aware. I didn't exactly tell him what was going on so he might be shocked- well he'll definitely be shocked. But just- try to stay calm until he gets here okay?"

Word Count - 1,346

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