Chapter 2

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"Stay Calm?! How am I supposed to stay calm! This is terrible! You cant let your friend see me! Nobody is supposed to know I exist! You aren't supposed to know about me!"

You've officially lost it, your heart feels like its about to explode. You don't think you can handle being this out of control of a situation. You're trembling as you stand up, placing your hands against the glass,

"Please Dan! You can't do this to me! I can't take it!"

"Alright, uh... well I can't, like, actually just straight up let you go but maybe we could chill out together until he gets here and no more jars?"

You think about Dan's suggestion. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than sitting in a jar for an hour until another human showed up. Maybe you could even figure out some way to escape him. You had pretty much determined that this human wouldn't hurt you; At least not by himself. So you nodded and rubbed your eyes to get the last of the tears out of them. No more crying, its time to go undercover and make your escape.

Once again, he hesitantly reaches for you. You don't fight him as he lifts you out of the jar, though at that point he looked a little unsure of what he was going to do with you now that he had you. Bring you over to the dining room table he sat down and let you go on the table. Dan figured it'd be a smart place to keep you since the only way down was probably much too large of a drop for you to risk jumping.

"Alright so Tell me about yourself. How long have you uh... lived here?" Dan asked.

"Years." You reply bluntly.

"How many years?"

"I've been here since I was 9, so..." you count on your fingers real quick to try to figure out how long you'd really been there, "about...20 years? Give or take a few months."

Dan's eyes widened, "since you were 9 years old?!" He looked concerned, "So then you've got family around here too?" He couldn't imagine a child running around this place alone but...

You weren't sure how to respond. You hadn't thought much of your family in a very long time. "No... I don't have a family. I did at one point but I've been alone since I was 7. I don't remember much about them."

Dan silently repeated "seven", you nodded. He tries to change the subject, looking more uncomfortable than you felt. "How about I tell you about my friend Arin- he's the one I called and," you have a moment of realization and cut him off.

"Oh! I know who that is!"

"You do? How?!"

"He's Grump right? And you're Not So Grump!"

"You know about Game Grumps?"

"A little bit, I usually don't hang around during the day but I've seen you watch a few episodes. I know thats usually why you leave."

"So then... like you're cool as long as its Arin or?"

"No i'm still not cool with that! I still really don't know anything about ya'll and considering we didn't exactly start out on a decent foot I wouldn't say I'm still really freaked out by all this!"

Dan sighed, trying to think of a way to convince you to let Arin meet you. His eyes dart around like he's trying to find something, though they keep settling back on you. You felt more free on the table, but somehow his ability to lock on to you in your entirety made your heart stop for a moment and making it just a little harder to breathe. Your own eyes refusing to make direct contact with Dan's. Dan knew nothing he could say would make the situation better, and he certainly couldn't just let you leave. Reaching a calloused finger to you, he gently and absent-mindedly rubbed the top of your head, brushing the hair he messed up out of your face.

You reached up and tried to fix whatever he did to mess up your hair.

"You're avoiding talking about this." You say with a frown.

"I know... I just don't think I can get away with not telling him, especially since he's supposed to be on the way for literally no other reason."

"Then make one up, I don't get why this is so hard. Or! Even better, let me go and then you wont have a me-problem anymore and it wont be a lie to say nothing is wrong."

"I'm not letting you go, thats part of what makes this so hard. You think I want to hold you hostage? I don't but I got to know this isn't just in my head. I need a second opinion,"

Dan spoke with a bit of an annoyed tone,

"Not to mention, you're absolutely adorable to look at." He smirked.

A blush crept to your cheeks, you bury your face into your hands. Dan's finger gently pushed your hands aside to let him get a better look at your face. You put your hands back up in an attempt to keep covered. That's when you were suddenly scooped up into one hand, his thumb holding your arms above your head. The blush burned your cheeks, you squirm a little trying to free your arms, feeling the bottom of your shirt getting pulled up by your movements. Dan uses a finger from his free hand to gently poke your now exposed tummy. Your skin soft against his rough fingers. The sudden poking causing you to squirm again.

"W-What are you doing?!" You sputter out.

Dan just kinda hums, lost in thought for a moment before responding, "Just wanted to see if you're like... non-human..." he still didn't seem like he was paying attention to what he was saying, more focused on gently running his finger down your arms, legs, and your sides. You weren't used to being touched and especially not to the degree Dan had examined your body.

"You're just... a small human... all the same parts... just small." He mumbles. His finger stopping on your stomach again.

A knock at the door followed by a loud "Hey Dan! I'm here!" Stops you and Dan both in your tracks.

Word Count _ 1055

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