Chapter 4

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It didn't take as long as you expected to give a full account of your day. Your racing heart didn't seemed to slow down at all, you felt exhausted.

"And now we're here." You concluded.

Arin visibly relaxed.

Dan peaked around the corner, "So can I come back now?"

You glance at Arin and He nods. Dan joins you both at the table.

"I want to apologize for everything, I've made so many mistakes today. I just don't want you to leave so soon, much less feel like you have to move... you've lived here longer than I have after all. You're just so interesting and adorable! And I've never met somebody like you before. Would you be willing to try to live here more openly? I'll make accommodations where i can."

You feel bad as you hear the genuine apology, knowing that the idea was tempting and sounded nice, but you weren't sure you'd be able to adjust.

"I accept your apology... can I think about your offer? It's very kind, but..." you trail off.

Dan seems disappointed but nods, "I understand. Just think about it. Let me know if theres anything i can do."

"Can I go back to my home now then?" You were ready to relax somewhere you couldn't be grabbed or dropped.

"Sure... uh do i need to take you somewhere?"

"Actually, if somebody could put me on the floor i'll be good from there. I'm starting to get kinda air-sick and being so high up is giving me a headache."

You laugh a little nervously as you glance at the edges of the table you currently stood on. Arin gently placed you on the ground, you wave to them as you turn and begin the somewhat long trip back. You are happy to be back on solid ground and on your own. You ducked into the living room to look for the hidden entrance to your own living space in the walls. Behind the couch, an unused outlet with a cover missing one of the screws. You swing the cover to the side and go inside.

"Home Sweet Home" you sigh.

You check that the cover is back in place, sure that you hadn't been watched or followed back. Your home was still at least somewhat of a secret. They had started to talk in low voices as you left the kitchen, knowing it was about you made you nervous too. You suddenly decide it's time to stop thinking and do something productive, safe, and at home. You straighten up the place, taking your mind off everything before deciding now was a good chance to shower. The rest of the evening had been spent doing the normal routine you did every night before bed, slowly helping you the calm down and relax from the earlier events.

The exhaustion from the constant scares weigh on you as you laid down in bed, feeling heavier than a ton of bricks. It took less than 5 minutes to fall asleep.  Your dreams quickly turned nightmarish though. The feeling that you couldn't breathe, being trapped completely over took any good dreams you would've had and smashed it to pieces. You were being hunted, you were being held against your will. The day's event only now making those nightmares even more realistic, and with Dan at the center of them.

You jolt up with tears at the corners of your eyes. Had you been crying? You looked around you felt uncomfortable, no matter how impossible it was it felt like he was staring at you from somewhere.  Watching you somehow. You had to go make sure he was sleeping, you need to be able to see that Dan's eyes were closed and that he wasn't trying to catch you again. You knew that was a dumb thought, Dan seemed like he could be a great guy but... you just weren't certain you could trust a human like that.

With your blanket wrapped around your shoulders you quickly and quietly make your way back through the house towards Dan's room. Arin probably went home at some point after you left the two alone, the darkness of the house at this time of night making you feel that much more paranoid. You quicken your pace. Soon in Dan's room you vaguely see his form laying under the covers of his bed. You climb up the corner of the bedside table using the ridges you'd chipped away at on it when Dan first moved it into his room. You look at his sleeping figure and relax, he's not watching you. His breathing is quiet, relaxing. His chest slightly rising, slightly falling.

Transfixed, you hop the small gap between the bed and bedside table. Stumbling forward and falling over the blanket you'd brought with you, suddenly you were laying on your back, tangled up in your blanket pressed against his arm. Doing so must have disturbed his sleep, he moved his arms and readjusted himself, causing you and your blanket to slide further towards him. Now trapped warmly against his exposed chest you could hear his heartbeat. You try to get loose from your spot, your blanket holding you down as he was now laying slightly on top of it. Even in the brief panic you knew there wasn't anything you could do at this point. The combination of his steady heartbeat, the warmth of his skin, and your already excessive drowsiness had you asleep in a matter of minutes. You snuggled closer to his warm body and just sorta hoped he wouldn't move in his sleep anymore than he already had. You hoped you wouldn't have any more nightmares.

You slept through the night peacefully after that, softly snoring. You were a heavy sleeper by nature, usually only sleeping when you knew you were 100% safe. Which also meant when Danny woke up in the morning, you were still sound asleep. He blinked trying to wake up, only feeling something small pressed against him when he went to move and stretch. Much more awake than before, he didn't recognize what was going on at first. A small bundle of blue fabric was caught underneath him, possibly a sock? He reached to grab the sock and felt something else under it.

Gently pulling it he realized it was a small square fabric that had a faded quilt pattern on it. With the comfort of the blanket gone you curled up into a ball, your face pressed against his warm skin. He held his breath when he realized it was you. He assumed he wouldn't see you around anytime if possibly ever again.   He brought a hand up, cupping it around your small body. His was heart racing, he wasn't sure what to do from here.

He didn't want to wake you up, he wanted to keep holding you close. Unfortunately he needed to get up, and try to at least get some boxers on, Dan hadn't expected your sudden company and usually slept in the nude. Very gently he scooped you up, moving slowly in an attempt to keep you from waking up. Luckily you were still sound asleep.  He got out of bed and laid you back down where he had been sleeping so you could be warm before placing your blanket over the top of you. Now it was just a matter of getting some pants on before you woke up.

Word Count_ 1240

A/N: Sorry it took so long to write and post, for a long time I had been planning to rewrite chapter 3, however with some new inspirations I planned to just wrap it up on move on to the new stuff.

Next Chapter will come in both a SFW and NSFW version, neither will effect any underlying plots or ideas, so you wont miss out on something if you don't read both!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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