Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry it took so long to update, still trying to think of some kind of actual plot and end game. I appreciate all the votes and wonderful comments!!! I was nervous with this being my first published story but ya'll seem to like it!!

Dan frantically looked around for somewhere to hide you that he'd be able to get to later. As Arin turned the knob to enter the house, Dan whispered a quick apology before stuffing you into his jacket pocket. You felt dizzy in the dark pocket as dan moved to go get the door for his friend. He still hadn't come up with an excuse for the urgent text he sent. You were actually getting kinda hot. And claustrophobic. You're starting to think maybe being completely reviled wouldn't have been so bad.

"Hey man, I got your text and came right over, whats up?" Arin asked with some concerned.

"Oh! Uh, So I got home and uh... the tv was on! I don't think I left it like that, could you help me check the house if anything seems off? Maybe somebody broke in while I was gone..."

Arin didn't look very convinced but kinda shrugged it off, "Yeah I can do that."

Dan let out a sigh of relief after shutting the door behind Arin, sticking his hands into his pockets and cupping around you gently. His cold fingers making you suck in your breath sharply as they chilled your exposed arms. You eventually begin to warm up as his hand gets warmer in the pocket, but the tight space only got more uncomfortable and Dan shifted while walking through the house with Arin. You tuned out their small talk as they check each room. About half an hour later and they both seemed to be content with their house check, nothing out of place really. Definitely nothing stolen.

'Finally', you thought, 'This will all be over soon...'

As you think that, Dan tries to remove his hands from his pockets, too quickly and without realizing how tangled up you were in the small space. His finger catches the crook of  your leg, you tumble out with a sharp yelp. The bright lights blinding you for a second as you started to fall. Dan didn't seem to notice. At that point you figured it was over for you. Luckily Arin's cat-like reflexes kicked in, catching you softly before you could hit the floor. He seemed pretty proud of himself for a second before confusion over took him. Dan stared at you from Arin's palm wide-eyed. You feel your face getting hot, tears threatened the corners of your vision. You look around you for some kind of escape, Arin's hand closing around you enough to prevent you from falling again and at that height he didn't have to worry about you jumping.

The fear of the situation and your near death experience now forcing the tears you held back to spill from your eyes. Arin looked at you closer up, glancing back at Dan with a almost horrified look.

"Dan, what the fuck is going on? What did you do to this person?! Is this what the text was about? Fuck dude!" Arin pretty much shouted, you were shaking like a leaf.

"I didn't do anything! I can 100% explain, it's not that big of a deal-", Arin cut him off.

"Like hell it's not! They're crying, Dan!" And that's when Dan got a good look at your pale, trembling form, eyes red and puffy.

Arin showing you off to him up close. It was hard to breathe as Dan made full eye contact with you. His expression softened and he felt guilty. He knew this ordeal was already bad enough, he made a mistake letting you be seen in the first place too, but that drop could've killed you and Dan knew he wouldn't have been fast enough to catch you like Arin had if he had been alone. Arin turned his hand back, now facing him again, he carefully wiped the tears from your eyes with his thumb.

Dan fidgeted in his spot, "Can I... Can I have them back please?"

Arin's grip on you tighten a little.

"Not until you explain everything, and they confirm its true." Arin looked serious and angry.

Dan hated that Arin seemed to think this was all his fault and that he had done something to you.  Arin's mind still reeling at the tiny person. How had Dan done that? Dan wasn't really the kind of person who did weird human experiments... at least Arin was pretty sure he wasn't, yet the weird greeting at the door and the way he'd been acting funny the whole time Arin had been over. Dan let out a heavy sigh.

"Alright. I'll tell you everything. (Y/N)... is that alright? I don't think I've got any choices left."

Arin looked confused for second before he realized (Y/N) was the person he was holding. Though you were still looking at Arin you spoke up.

"I-Its... None of this is your fault Dan... I'll tell him."

"But I-"


Dan closed his mouth, he glanced away, nodded, then walked away. Leaving just You and Arin.

"Do you mind if we sit down at the kitchen table? I'd like to stand on something more solid please?" You directed towards Arin.

Arin's hand had started to get clammy and you really didn't want to be sitting in his sweat anymore. He nodded sitting down at the table and letting you go. You were standing up for all of about 5 seconds before the dizziness really kicked in, causing you to stumble to the left a little before falling back and landing on your butt. You decide for now it might be best if you sit down too.

"You're not hurt are you? You're Alright?"

"Yeah I'm okay..."

"I can get you out if here in a heartbeat, Dan won't even know we left," Arin started, but you cut him off.

"No! No- No. No, It's fine. He hasn't done anything to me. Let me start from the beginning. I'm (Y/N), I'm probably about 27 or 28 years old. Though in my species we don't usually think much of ages and birth and stuff..."

"Your species..?" Arin mumbled, brows furrowed.

"I'm not actually human, Arin. We go by a few different things mostly based on what humans call us. Some know us as Tinies, others call us 'borrowers' based on some movie I think. We're almost completely human though! Just very small- oh! And you might not be able to tell but my ears are actually a little more pointed!"

As you study the look on Arin's face you can tell you've kinda lost him. You sigh, this was going to take a bit more time than it had with dan. You decide just to keep going, starting with Dan coming home early from whatever event he'd been going to, giving him the full story of your absolutely terrible day.

Word Count_1134

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