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"Happy anniversary. Babe." Corbyn said, leaning across the table to place a kiss onto Daniel's lips. The action brings a smile to the younger boys fave as Corbyn pulls away, sitting back down in his seat. Daniel places his hand on top of the table, smiling even brighter when Corbyn takes his hands and getting a tight squeeze.

"I can't believe it's been two years..." Daniel says, which got a soft laugh from Corbyn before he nods his head. The been together for two years and married for two years as well. It was almost like it was yestday it happen, Corbyn standing nervously across from Daniel in front of all their family and friends, getting ready to commit to the beautiful blue eyed boy, for the rest of his life. It was one of the best decisions Corbyn had ever made him his life. Yeah, they had some of thier differences every now and then but they were both happy with each other.

And that's what matters most to Corbyn.

"So, Daniel what do you want for our anniversary? You never really told me." Corbyn asked, grabbing his fork beofre he finally takes a bit of the food Daniel had spent half of the day making. Daniel liked cooking, trying out new recipes every chance he got while Corbyn still struggled to make toast right. Daniel bit down on his lips ad he pushes his own food around on his plate, because he really wasn't really sure on how to ask Corbyn about this.

So he doesn't.

"Nothing, really.... I've got everything I really need right here." Daniel manages to get out, smiling at Corbyn who raised an eyebrow at Daniel because that was a first. Four years together and not once had Daniel say that he didn't want anything. Daniel didn't need anything expensive, the gifts he would usually ask for, from Corbyn being something simple things. Like last year he had asked Corbyn for just a simple night in where all they did was cuddle on the couch and watch some movies.

His gifts were always simple, but this time Daniel wanted something that was a little more complicated than a night in, on the couch.

"You sure? Nothing off the table." Corbyn asked, clearly trying to get an answer out of his husband. Daniel bites down on his lip again, wishing it was as simple as saying four simple words.

I want a baby.

"I'm sure, Corbs. Life is perfect and I don't need anything." Daniel says, but Corbyn's still was giving him a look which Daniel had try to ignore as he picks at his food.

"Well I still think we should do something besides hanging out here in the house.... I'm sorry that we couldn't get reservations like you wanted, that was my bad with Bring so busy....." Corbyn trails off, suddenly feeling very guilty even though it wasn't really all his fault. Daniel had only mentioned wandering to go to Provindence for their anniversary a few days ago as an after thought, Corbyn of course wanting to make their anniversary perfect tried to get reservations only to find out they were booked.... Daniel didn't appear to be disappointed but Corbyn felt like he was.

"Corbs, it's okay. I don't need the fancy restaurant or the expensive gifts. I just need you and I got you." Daniel told him, giving Corbyn's hand another squeeze but Corbyn still feels like somthing is off still.

"Okay... are you sure though?" You'd...
You'd tell me if there was something bothering you, right?" Corbyn asks and Daniel smiles softly at his husband. He was used to this to Corbyn's small insecurities just as Corbyn was used to his.

"I'm really sure, Corbs."

"Okay, I love you." Corbyn said looking at Daniel with a slight vulnerabilityin his eyes that this at Daniel's heart just a bit. He could just picture a baby with those same eyes and he hated how badly he wanted that.

"I love you too... Now eat up so we can move onto desert." Danielsaid, earing a nod from Corbyn before he finally starts to eat and they fall into comfortable silence. They were half ways through dinner when Daniel finds himself asking the one question he didn't know the answer to, the younger of the two not even bothering to look up from his plate when he asked it.

"So uh.... how... how do you feel about... about kids?" Daniel asked, pushing his chicken towards the side of his plate. Corbyn looks up, a confused expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" Corbyn asked, leaning back in his chair as he continues to look at his husband.

"Do you ummm.... do you want kids?" Daniel asked and Corbyn went pales, his throat going dry and Daniel honestly thought the older boy was about to pass out any minute.

"Fuck, you're pregnant.... fuck.. fuck, I knew it was too risky. I fucking kn-" Corbyn starts, clearly panicked and Daniel is quick to stop his beofre he enters the full freak out.
"No, no... I'm not pregnant, Corbs. I was just... never mind. It's not.. It doesn't matter. It's stupid." Daniel said, trying not to feel bitter about the relieved expression on Corbyn's face.

It was no secret to Daniel that Corbyn didn't want kids.

Just like it was no secret to Corbyn that Daniel really did.

It was their biggest issue and after two years.... Daniel was getting really tired of waiting.

Boom chapter one is here also happy late Halloween.

Alive (Dorbyn) <Mpreg> *Book two* Where stories live. Discover now