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"So I'm thinking we should get Ed on the show again. He really boosted our viewership last time" Jonah said, not even bothering to look up from his tablet as he lists off yet another thing he wanted Corbyn to do this week. Corbyn and Jonah were Co-host of a local music station they'd started back that's ended up getting quite popular. Corbyn laced his job, only having to work from ten to five during weekdays, his weekends free to do whatever Daniel wanted to do.

"Hey, Corbs. Everything okay?" Jonah asked, snapping his fingers in front of his best friends face. Yeah, Jonah's alive as well, reason being thats Daniel seen him talking to him, which to Daniel seem as if he was talking to himself, so Jack decided to have him come to live once again. Corbyn didn't even realize he'd spaced out, blinking as he came back to reality only to realize his best friend was starting at him like he had two heads. Corbyn clears his throat, sitting up in his seat a little more.

"Everything's fine..... why?" Corbyn asked, earing another look from Jonah.

"Because you've been awfully quiet all morning and you keep staring at your phone. Things not go8ng so well at home or something?" Jonah asked and Corbyn is quick to shake his head. It wasn't that thijngs at home were rough, they were fantastic as always.... it's just that Daniel was clearly upset about something clearly and Corbyn just had a feeling it was because of him.

Corbyn hates it when Daniel was upset.

"I just think that Daniel's mad or something, I don't know. He's been off all day." Corbyn explains shrugging like it isn't a big deal bit he felt as if it was. On any normal day, daniel would he texting Corbyn every half hour or so with little small things he found cute with his class. Today Daniel hasn't replied once, not even to the text Corbyn sent him nearly two hours ago about meeting him at the restaurant he'd so desperately wanted to go to yesterday.

So Corbyn was frustrated.

"I'm sure he's not mad at you, Corbs. He's probably just busy of something, he does teach young kids who need a lot of attention." Jonah points out, earing a soft sigh from Corbyn as he nodded. Cornyn pinches the bridge of his nose though, clenching his eyes shut because of the goddamn headache was coming back. He had gotten one last night when Daniel had brought up kids and to be quite honest, it had never went away.

"Yeah. I know... we just.. we kinda had a fight last night, is all..." Corbyn admits sheepishly, earing a look from Jonah. The song we ends before Jonah gets the chance to ask more, but he gives Corbyn a quick signal to let him know they'd talk about it in a few minutes. Jonah clears his throat as he leans in a little closer on his microphone, putting on his chipper attitude like a natural while Corbyn's feels his own is a bit forced.

They talk about the usual, upcoming shows, the occasional advertisements before Jonah finally throws it back into another half hour set of music. Jonah leans back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest as he looks at his friend expectantly.

"What did you guys kinda fight about?" Jonah asked when Cornyn doesn't say anything for a moment. Corbyn let's out a sigh, running a hand through his hair before he does answer.

"I think... I think Daniel wants a baby. He didn't like come right out and say it, but he did brought up kids again last night and well.... I don't realky excatly have have the best reaction." Corbyn says, keeping his voice quiet due to the fact that he just felt like shit. Daniel didn't ask for much so under normal circumstances.... Corbyn would usually give Daniel whatever he wanted, but this.....

This was something Corbyn didn't want....

"Did you have a panic attack or something?" Jonah asked quirking an eyebrow as he studies his friend curiously.

"Basically. It ruined our entire evening.... and I'm really wanting to make it up to him tonight but he won't fucking text me back... and I just.... i don't know what I'm going to say to him when he finally just asks for a baby... I honestly.... I don't think I have a good enough excuse besides the fact that I just.... i really don't want kids." Corbyn admits, biting down on his lip as Jonah continues to stare at him.

"I'll say just talk to him about it. If he lives you, he'll understand." Jonah says, a little hesitantly as Corbyn let's out a very long sigh.

"That's the thing, Jonah.. we've already talked about it, but Daniel's.... Daniel's just Daniel and when he wants something.... there's just... no stopping him." Corbyn said looking down at his hands with a frown as Jonah pats his friends back sympathetically. Corbyn jumps just when hi phone finally goes of for the first time that day, Daniel's personalize text tone echoing though the studio.

From: Dani love X

Provindence sounds great, love. I'm fine with you picking me up from home but if it easier for me to meet you there I can just let me know what you wanna do.  I Love you. XX

And Corbyn's smiling again.


Hey guys new chapter, also since most of you all wanted Jonah alive I thought why not have their job as that, maybe it I do a new book he'll be a photographer.

Bye my pups 🐶🖤

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