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"So how was class today?" Corbyn asks much later that day. Sitting across from his husband in a crowded restaurant at the table just past the kitchen. It wasn't the best seat in the house and Corbyn was really hoping that wasn't the reason as to why Daniel wasn't talking as much as usual. Daniel's picking at his food, looking completely disinterested in everything that was going on around him.

"Good." Is all Daniel says, earning a sigh from Corbyn who flinches when a waiter walks out the kitchen door which just about hits him. Corbyn didn't want to address the elephant in the room, honestly thinking that a nice night out on the town was going to be enough to make Daniel forget all about the baby idea....

But it was clear Daniel was upset and Corbyn didn't want that.

"I'm sorry about last night.... I shouldn't have reacted like I did."  Corbyn finally says, thinking maybe that's what Daniel wanted.... But Daniel just nods his head and continues to push his food around his plate.

"Did I do something else to upset you? You've been.... You've been very...." Corbyn trails off, unable to think of the actual word he was looking for. Daniel finally looks up from his plate and at his husband, quirking an eyebrow as Corbyn stares at him.

"Despondent?" Daniel offers, earning a nod from Corbyn.

"What's going on, Dani?" Corbyn asks reaching across he table to grab Daniel's hand but Daniel pulls it away before he gets the chance to. Corbyn feels his heart deflate at that, the nagging feeling in the back of his head telling him Daniel was upset hitting him even stronger now.

"It's nothing, Corbyn. Just forget it." Daniel says not wanting to end up in a fight in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

"Clearly it's something if you won't even let me touch you..." Corbyn says and Daniel lets out what he feels to be one his longest sighs ever. Daniel didn't want to start a fight, he really didn't but it was clear that Corbyn wasn't about to let the conversation go. So Daniel asks the one question that had been on his mind all day.

"Why don't you want a baby?" Daniel asked, the question lingering in the air for far longer that it should have.

"Why.... Why do you want a baby?" Corbyn asks instead of answering, once again finding himself in a spot he didn't want to be in.

"Because I just do, Corbyn. It's the next step in our relationship and I think we're ready. We've got stable jobs, we've got two extra rooms in our place and I just.... I feel like there's something missing." Daniel admits, looking a little sheepishly at his husband who still appeared to be at a loss for words.

"Why don't we start with a dog first? Why do we have to jump straight to the baby?" Corbyn asks, hoping that maybe Daniel would accept a compromise like he had the last time they had this conversation nearly nine months ago.

Daniel had promised he would wait another year, clearly Daniel didn't want to keep that promise. Corbyn felt that was a bit unfair, but of course he wasn't going to voice that. The last thing he needed was for yet another thing for Daniel to hate him for.

"I don't want a dog, Corbyn." Daniel says, trying his best not to get annoyed but Corbyn was really trying to get on his nerves tonight.

"Well, I don't want a baby." Corbyn said and Daniel lets out a very long sigh. He outs his fork down on his plate, no longer interested in his food whatsoever. Daniel folds his arms across his chest, leaning back in his chair as he looks across the table from his husband who looked like a deer caught in headlights. The expression on Daniel's face was one that Corbyn didn't see often, but when he did, he always regretted opening his mouth in the first place.

"Why? Give me one good reason why we shouldn't have a baby right now." Daniel said and Corbyn takes far longer than he would have liked to respond. He could think of only one reason, but Corbyn knew that wasn't going to be good enough for Daniel.

He just didn't want a baby.

"I just don-" Corbyn starts to say only to have Daniel's phone start to ring. Corbyn recognizes the ringtone instantly, rolling his eyes as it's Jack calling. Corbyn didn't have anything against Jack, they were actually pretty good fr, but Daniel would drop anything to be at his best friend's side.

Even when they were in the middle of a discussion.

"Hey Jack, what's up?" Daniel answers it after the second ring, holding up his finger when Corbyn let's out a sigh. Corbyn waits somewhat impatiently for Daniel to finish up his call, perking up in his chair when Daniel practically jumped out of his.

"Oh my god! We're on our way. Which hospital?" Daniel is asking frantically, grabbing his coat as Corbyn signals for their waiter. It was clear their argument was going to have to take a backseat this evening and Corbyn was honestly okay with that right about now. Once Corbyn gets their check paid. The young couple is rushing to their car. Daniel's talking frantically to Jack, Corbyn only catching a word here and there but it wasn't long before he realizes exactly what's happening.

Zach was having his baby.

So I finally updated this book.
It's been like....... Five months.... Sorry.

Anygays... Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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For the next chapter.

Alive (Dorbyn) <Mpreg> *Book two* حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن