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Sorry for the long wait but here's our winner for the Romance category! This genre has been judged by KayleeCupcake9453 so thank you, love!

In our 2nd Place:

The Celebrity Baby by MaggieRays
"I love the story so far. It's captivating. I'd like to know more about why her mother and her aren't close. I'm excited to find out what happens with Gabriel. Keep up the good work!"

And in First Place:

Love, Liana... by AutumnWinters221
"I love the story so far! It's so interesting. I really like how each character has their own story, and it's easy to follow. I'm excited to read more! Great job!"

Congratulations to our winners! May the Writing deities be with you!

For those who have not been chosen, don't be sad! You've all done a good job, and we hope the best for your future endeavors!

CCWW Family

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