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Sorry for the long wait but here's our winner for the Fan fiction category! This genre has been judged by D_Kellin so thank you, love!

And our Winner is:

Twisted Death by TheBiologist13

"I have to say that I am not an avid fan of anime, and that I had to look it up on the web to familiarise myself. However, I want to commend TheBiologist13 for the notes they have provided for a non-fan like me. These made it easier to read and understand the story, and they successfully enticed me to watch the anime. It was captivating, the pacing wasn't rushed nor held back to be boring. The balance on the dialogues and narrations ran the book smoothly, and it was obvious they know what they were doing with it. The characters have that depth that I was looking for. The scenes were detailed to create an imagery that will transport you to a different universe. Great work!"

Congratulations to our winner! May the Writing deities be with you!

For those who have not been chosen, don't be sad! You've all done a good job, and we hope the best for your future endeavors!

CCWW Family

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