Chapter 9 Making A Deal...

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Okay quick note....The video on the side is actual the performance they are talking about...The girl that is playing Jasmine in this story is named Yuri...She is the one singing lol Okay now on with the story......

                                                   Unknown Point Of View...

I stopped my bike outside the house. Climbing off I walked inside I pushed open the office door. Walking over to the desk I slammed my helmet down on the desk making everyone turn and look at me. The man behind the desk turned around and faced me.

"I did it, Hes dead."

He smirked then reached down pulling up a bag. He tossed it towards me. I opened it and looked inside. I nodded then grabbed the bag full of money and left. Hopping on to my bike I drove to the safe house. When I walked in I handed the money to the house keeper. She nodded her head then took the money to the safe. I threw my jacket on to a near by couch and walked downstairs in to the basement. We had cameras all over the grounds and watching our next victims. I walkled over to a young man who was watching some of the videos.

"Have we found the identity of the last five men. "

"No, we haven't yet but were close."

"As soon as you do notify me."

"Of course."

I moved from him and went down the hall into the training room. Some guys were fighting against each other. I walked over to them and pulled them apart throwing them into a nearby mat. They both looked at me with shock expressions.

"come and get me."

They looked at each other then ran at me.


Dylan Point of view (Two weeks after)

Trent dragged me and a bunch of our friends to the lake for the day. He said we needed to relax and get our minds off things. Right now I was sitting on a bolder that over looked the laked. Trent was sitting with Natalie on the lake side. It turns out the two of them were mates. He found out about a month ago. They spent every moment they could together. I was happy for my brother. He finally found her I just wished I still had Jasmine. A few of the guys that came with us im not really sure what there names are were cooking while the girls were either sun bathing or swimming. After a while I walked back down to were everyone was. I sat beside Michelle. She wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"Don't be so gloomy boy." She told when she pulled away.

I let a small chuckle and rolled my eyes. She smiled at me then went back to talking with a girl named Sam.

"Do you guys remember two years ago at the talent show?" Natalie asked us.

"Yeah, What about it?" I asked her.

"Do you remember the look on Kane face when went up." She said with a chuckle.

"O yeah, he almost had a stroke when he saw Jasmine come on." Michelle laughed.

We all joined in with there laughter. That was a pretty fun day. Jasmine, Natalie, Michelle decided to dance and lip sync to wominazer. They could dance I would give them that. Kane was so mad after that. He didn't like the fact all them boys were looking at his little girl. We all sat there and told some story about us and Jasmine. Everyone was laughing and joking around. When we left that night I did fill better than I had felt in months. I missed that girl with my whole heart. But I knew there was nothing I could do to bring her back. When we arrived back to the pack house late that night. Everyone was in front of the pack house listening. I looked at Trent then we made our way to the side of the house were Anthony and Masen was.

"Whats going on?" I asked Anthony in a low tone.

"Draco is here with some of his men. He said if we didn't stop killing his men. He would start killing all of us. starting with the women and children." He told me while shaking slightly.

I glared into the night and let out a low growl. He wanted us to stop killing his men yet he could just kill Jasmine. Wait a minute.

"We haven't killed any of his men besides the two kane killed at the warehouse." I told him while still trying to think.

"Exactly, Kane has some of his men looking into it."

"So Kane talking to him now."

"Yeah, He trying to get him to tell him were Jasmine is in return that we wont kill anymore of his men."

Not something I would have agreed to but okay. We listened to Kane and Draco yelling at each as we stood on the side of the house. The pack was quietly murmuring to each other as they discussed what was happening. I could hear someone saying how Kane was going against his duties as alpha by agreeing to Draco demands. They kept saying it was wrong of him. If it was so wrong of him he would have just let Draco and his men kill us. He was putting the safety of this pack before his own daughter. I think that is saying something. I swear some people just weren't happy unless you did things their way but he had to do this, this way. I leaned against the side of the house and slid down. A war was about to break out. I just hope that we were ready for when it happened.

(Unknown Point Of View)

"I want my men to be the best of the best. This s*** you have them doing isn't cutting it." I growled at the supposed fighter trainer. This man was going to get my men killed. He was nothing like they describe. A two year old could probably do better. Fed up with this man I stood up from the my sit on the tree branch. Lightly falling to my feet I walked over to the bald headed man. He had his back to me. I grabbed his arm flipping him, making him fall on his back. He had a shocked expression across his face. I looked down at him and smirked.

"Never turn your back on a opponent. Isn't that your first rule." I told him raising my brow. He let out a low growl. There was laughter coming form the men. I let out a low chuckle before turning and walking back inside. About two hours ago I got the names of the last six Victims. Brandon. Kent. Pete. Damon. Bp. And finally Draco. They had it coming and they would die slow and painful deaths if it was the last thing I did.

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