Chapter 16.

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Maggie's POV:

Me: "You felt it too?"

Maddie: "Yeah. Yeah I did."

Steve: "I'm sorry what?"

Me: "I'll explain in the car we don't have much time."

We got into the car.

Me: "Dad we have to go back to hill house."

Steve: "Hell no I'm not risking your lives because your having nightmares. I love you both too much I can't loose you both.."

Maddie lifted up Steve's head and kissed his forehead.

Maddie: "Steve we have to go."

We drove to the airport and booked a flight when we arrived we headed straight for hill house.

Me: "Wait in the car."

Steve: "No I'm going with you!"

Me: "DAD."

Steve: "Ok fine I'll stay in the car with Maddie."

I took out the gasoline we grabbed at a gas station and covered the entire downstairs I grabbed a lighter and dropped it the whole thing went in flames I ran back to the car and told dad to drive as fast as he could. Everything went black.

Steve: "Maggie?"

Me: "Dad? Where am I?"

Maddie: "Honey you're in a regular hospital. When we got you from the mental hospital you fainted."

Me: "I didn't burn down hill house?"

Steve: "No you didn't you've been in the hospital but you're ok now. We're going to take you home."

We went home and I went back to my room it was exactly how I left it. I headed to sleep and had a dream about hill house again I don't know why I keep dreaming of it but I feel like I'm connected to hill house in someway.

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