"I Can't Move On..."

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*Finn's POV*

I got up and started walking away from the area. Tears formed in my eyes and they dripped down my cheeks and fell off my chin, landing on the ground and leaving a trail of tears behind me. I felt like nothing mattered anymore. I felt so heartbroken....

And worst of all, I knew I'd never find someone like Bayley ever again.

As I continued walking, rain started to fall from the dark cloudy sky. I wasn't wearing anything warm, but I didn't care. I just wanted to find a way to get rid of all the pain and sorrows.

A song that I heard began filling up my mind, and I began singing the lyrics to myself a little bit. The song is called, "How to Start a War- By Simon Curtis."

I sang the entire song to myself and kept walking. I eventually made it home, so I walked inside and went intothe the bathroom after shutting the door. I let out a huge sigh, and began changing into warm, dry clothes.

I decided just to lay down and go to bed. I walked out of the bathroom and I fixed up my bed to where it was comfortable enough to sleep in.

I laid down in bed and got under the covers that I just fixed up. I then was getting hot in the clothes that I was in, so I took my top off and laid down shirtless. I closed my eyes and fell asleep quickly.

I started feeling a lot better, actually. I was beginning to let all the sorrows disappear, and it made me feel like I didn't need anybody to be happy, I smiled and continued my slumber.

*Finn's dream*

I'm driving along a road with Bayley. Bayley's sitting in the passenger seat and her head is laying against my shoulder, and I had the biggest smile on my face. The road I was driving on was next to a cliff, and below the cliff was the beautiful ocean.

"Fergal?" Bayley softly asked.

"What is it mo ghrá?" I replied.

"You're the best boyfriend I've ever had." Bayley told me.

I smiled with my teeth showing at Bayley. "I'm glad you feel that way about me." I placed my hand on Bayley's stomach, which had that pregnant baby bump. I continued driving along, feeling very amused at how much this felt romantic to me.

But this all came to an end very, very quick. Bayley screamed, "TREE!!" I look up and gasp, my reaction time was too slow, and I ran into the tree with my car. I slammed my forehead into the steering wheel, and I get knocked out. My forehead then started to bleed.

My car began drifting towards the edge of the cliff. I was unconscious, and I couldn't do anything to help.

The car eventually slid off the cliff and fell into the ocean, and began sinking. I woke up immediately and began panicking. I looked over at Bayley and seen that she wasn't moving, and that she was unconscious. I shook her, she didn't wake up. I tried to open the door, but it was unable to open.

The car completely submerged underwater, and it began filling up with water inside.

"BAYLEY!!!" I shouted. "WAKE UP!"

Bayley just wouldn't budge, or wake up in the matter of fact. I only started to panic even more. I started panting heavily and watched the water rise to my chest.

I noticed that my forehead was bleeding more. I placed my hand on my wound and looked at it. There was blood all over my hand.

The water was almost risen up to my chin. I took a huge inhale and went under the water. I looked around for a second and noticed that the door beside me was slightly broken. I started punching and kicking the door to try and break it open. I did this for a few seconds and then I started to push on the door as hard as I could. Nothing was working.

I started struggling. I kept repeating my actions and struggling more for a while until I thought of one more thing. I swam to the other side of the car, where Bayley was laying, still unconscious. I tackled the door shoulder first, and it finally busted off the car. I grab Bayley by her arms and I exit the car. I swam to the surface quickly, and as soon as I hit the surface, I gasp heavily. I swam over to the shore with Bayley still in my arms. I place her down on the grass and I start shaking her.

"Bayley?!" I cried.

She didn't respond. I gave her CPR for a while, but nothing was working for her. I then realized that she was no longer in the land of the living. I look up at the sky with tears in my eyes.


Then the dream had ended.

*Finn's POV*

I woke up and fell off the bed, hitting my head on the carpeted floor. I panted and looked around the room.

"Ow...." I murmured. I got up and rubbed my head.

I took a shower and kept thinking about the dream I had. I couldn't stop thinking about Bayley, either. It was bugging me, and it wouldn't leave me alone.

I knew what I wanted deep down inside... I finished up and got dressed. I hurried outside and started running towards Bayley's old house. When I arrived, I saw Bayley sitting outside her house, looking up at the morning sky.

"Bayley!" I shout.

Bayley looked over at me and smiled at me...

Finn Bálor and Bayley ~ With a Dash of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now