Time is Flying

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*5 Months Later*

*Bayley's POV*

It has been 5 months since the beginning of my pregnancy. We've been preparing ourselves more and more for the past months, and so far we've been doing great, I guess. But there was one thing we wanted to know, and that was the gender of our baby.

I was sitting on the couch with Finn, talking to him about the gender revival.

"Hmm..." Finn thought.

"Well, what do you say about finding out the gender?" I asked.

Finn looked at me and shook his head. "It would be great to know, but I'm not too sure about it right now." Finn said.

"Why not?" I wondered. "You can determine the gender at 4 to 5 months of pregnancy. "

"Well it would ruin the surprise of a boy or the surprise of a girl." Finn answered.

"What difference does that make?" I asked. "If we found out now, we could start coming up with names."

Finn looked at me and smiled amusingly. "Well you're right on that."

"So I say we come up with names, and then go find out what gender we're having." I giggled.

"Sounds good." Finn smiled.

We began thinking of names. The names I kept thinking of were quite unique, but I wanted a name that was simple.

"If we have a boy...?" I asked Finn, to see if he had any ideas.

"Alex." He murmured.

I smiled and nodded my head. "And if we have a girl...?"


"I like those names." I happily said.

Finn smiled and wrapped his arm around my neck. He kissed my cheek a few times, and looked at me in my eyes.

"Let's go see what gender it is." Finn declared.

We got up from the couch. Finn went into our bedroom and grabbed his car keys and took me outside to his car. I got in the passenger seat and buckled myself in. Finn got in the driver's seat then started the car, and drove off into the streets. I laid my head against Finn's past injured shoulder. He smiled and kissed my head when he got to a stop sign.

10 minutes later we arrived at the hospital. Finn parked his car and got out of it. I get out of the car and shut the door. We held hands and walked in the building. A nice lady was behind the desk, she smiled and greeted us.

"What can I do for you today?" The lady asked.

"My love is 5 months pregnant, and we were wondering if we could find out the gender of our baby." Finn kindly responded.

"Okay," She said. "Right this way."

The kind lady lead us into a room with ultrasound equipment and a bed. We thanked her as she left the room.

I laid down in the hospital bed. Fergal began talking about how he was going to take some time off of wrestling so he can help take care of me, and our baby when it comes.

I disagreed with him.

"No, Fergal." I said. "You don't have to do that."

"It's gonna be my responsibility as well, and I don't wanna see you with the baby by yourself. You could struggle with it, and I bet it would be a living nightmare." Finn explained.

"I think I can handle it," I said. "Besides, look at your fans! You don't wanna leave them feeling upset about you having to take time off. Don't you remember how sad everyone was when you were gone after you injured your shoulder?"

"I do..." Finn muttered.

"Exactly, now do me a favor and let me take care of our baby when you're gone." I said confidently.

"Okey dokey." Finn said.

The doctor then came in with a clipboard and a pen.

"Hello." He greeted.

"Hello." I greeted back.

"So you would like to know the gender of your baby?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, doc." Finn replied.

"That's not a problem." The doctor kindly responded.

The doctor began preparing the machines for an ultrasound. I started feeling nervous about this. Fergal held my hand and didn't let go of it.

"Don't worry." Finn said, winking at me afterwards. I giggled and accepted his advice.

The doctor then placed a camera on my baby bump and began searching for our baby. A few seconds later the doctor stopped what he was doing and looked at the information that the monitor was showing him.

"Awesome!" The doctor exclaimed.

We both looked at the doctor and I gripped Finn's hand tighter.

"What's the gender of our baby?!" Finn asked with excitement.

I smiled and waited for a response from the doctor.

Finn Bálor and Bayley ~ With a Dash of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now