When There is Love, There is Life

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*4 months later*

*Bayley's POV*

I was now capable of having our child anytime soon. It is 2 days before my due date.

Fergal has been gone for most of the day. He's been leaving alot for the past few days. I've just been worried about him, I wondered what he was up to.

A couple of hours later, Finn came home. He didn't seem to have done anything, from what I could see.

"Hey babe," I said. "Where have you been?"

Finn had a cute smile on his face. "I have a question for you."

"What is it Finn?"

Finn smiled and he fell down on one knee and grabbed my hand.

"Pamela... Ever since we've met, I've always had great feelings around you. I know that when you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want your life to happen right then, and that's exactly how I feel right now. I want to share life with you, my best friend. I want to enjoy our journeys, and arrive to the destinations together. In an ocean of people, my eyes are always searching for you. I can't seem to explain my feelings for you at this point."

As Finn said those last words, he pulled out a small square case from his pocket.  He opened it up and inside was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

"F-Fergal...?" I gasped.

"Pamela Rose Martinez, I want to give you our happily ever after. Will you marry me?"

"Oh my God...Yes....YES!!!" I exclaimed.

I jumped into Finn's arms and began kissing him as deep as I could. He kissed me back and wrapped his arm around me. Finn took my hand and slid the ring on my finger.

"I'm so ready for our future together." Finn muttered with a smile.

"Me too, babe." I said.

*A few days later*

Our wedding was about to take place. I was getting ready in my room, putting my makeup on and grooming my hair. After I had finished, I put my wedding dress on. It was a beautiful white dress with sparkling glitter on it. I sat down on the couch and thought about how the wedding was going to go. I sighed, and looked at my feet.

A guy walked in the room, he looked at me and smiled.

"Miss Martinez, are you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." I murmured with a straight face.

"What's the matter?" He wondered.

"Just feeling a bit nervous." I said

"Don't be nervous," He told me. "This is gonna be one of the best things you'll ever do."

"You're right," I smiled. "But what about Fergal?"

"He's ready whenever you are." The guy said.

"Alright then." I said. "I'm ready."

"Let's go." The guy said. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the room where everyone was. The Wedding March was being played on a beautiful sounding piano. The audience looked over at me and admired my styles. I saw a lot of our friends in the audience, some were Sasha Banks, Nia Jax, Stephanie, Paul, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and so many others. The guy walked me to Finn, where he was standing at the front of the room. He was dressed extremely nice. He always has his ways of making himself looking handsome, I thought.

The guy let go of my hand and walked off. The solemniser looked at us as we faced eachother.

"We are gathered here to admire the soon-married couple, Fergal Devitt and Pamela Martinez." The solemniser said. "They have had their great moments together, and now, they want to have their own life, together. And here is where we are now."

The solemniser looked at me. "Pamela Martinez, will you take care of Fergal when he needs it? Will you love him with all of your heart? Will you take Fergal Devitt to be your beloved husband?"

"I do." I said

The solemniser smiled, and turned and looked at Fergal. "And Fergal Devitt, will you take care or Pamela when she needs it? Will you love her with all of your heart? Will you take Pamela Martinez to be your beloved wife?"

"I do." Finn said smiling.

"The decision has been made," The solemniser said. "You may now kiss your bride." He walked off after taking off his hat and bowing to us.

Finn wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around Finn's neck and kissed back. The audience cheered and clapped their hands. We kept on kissing and we danced a little bit. I smiled. I felt like the happiest woman alive right now. The ring bearer walked up to us with rings in the pillow that he was holding. Finn grabbed the ring for me and slipped it on my finger, and I grabbed the ring for Finn and slipped it on his finger.

About an hour goes by, and the audience had left, and so did we. We were walking to the car with our arms wrapped around eachother.

"Oh Fergal I'm so damn happy." I giggled.

"Me too, my sweet love." Finn replied.

We walked up to the car. We began kissing some more for a few minutes, and just before we got in, we noticed a puddle under me.

Finn Bálor and Bayley ~ With a Dash of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora