👻Maknae Lines Halloween Fright👻

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Today was the day where little kids dressed up and went out to collect candy. If this had taken place a a year ago they all would've stood home and watched crappy Halloween movies.
But this year was special.

A few months earlier they had someone get caught sucking on a pacifier in his sleep. In shock the boys woke him up and questioned him. Immediately the boy burst into tears. But eventually calmed down enough to explain what little space was. And thankfully it all worked out just fine.

And two months later someone else ended up coming out as a little. And then another. So now here they are.

Curious about who those three boys were? Well it was the mischievous Maknae line. Jimin had gotten caught after falling asleep while watching Elmo. Jungkook has also been a little but was afraid to come out to the others. But Tae became a little after seeing Jimin. It awoke something in the boy.

So now here they are. 4 caregivers with 3 littles. Tae was the oldest while little. His age was usually 5-3 years old. He wore his big brother label with pride. Jimin and Jungkook were both around the same age but Jungkook tended to slip into baby space more often. Jimin was usually 2-1 while Kookie was usually 2- 6 months.

But with a lot of practice the four caregivers who probably could never handle a baby were able to take care of three babies all at once without much of a issue.

As stated, the boys would never dress up and waste time on Halloween but this year was different. They had their baby boys who were all excited for Halloween. Although at first they were a bit worried about taking 3 hyper active kids out trick or treating but soon were convinced thanks to the cute puppy eyes given by the trio.

So now here they were. All dressed up ready to go out. Namjoon was a zombie, he had fake blood oozing from fake cuts but it sent the littlest of the three into sobbing messes. It took awhile to explain that it wasn't a real zombie but just one of their daddies.
At first Yoongi was supposed to be a werewolf but the littles wouldn't even approach him with his mask on. It even scared Tae so he knew he couldn't wear that mask. So now he just ended up as a vampire. Which the littles loved. They messed with his fake teeth and Jimin just kept saying he looked pretty as a vampire.
Hoseok instead was a simple cop, which caused Taehyung to say his costume was wack. Which also caused Tae to get a time out.
Jin was matching with the littles. He was a Pokémon trainer while the littles were his Pokémon.
After a lot of arguing none of the littles were allowed to be pikachu, Jin said if they couldn't agree on it no one could be pikachu. Jungkook was Charmander, Taehyung was bulbasaur, and Jimin was Squirtel.

After everyone was dressed up and had their shoes on they all exited their home and went into the streets. Each little wa holding the hand of a caregiver as they walked. Namjoon had Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook, and Hoseok had Taehyung.

At the first house

"Trick or treat!"
They all shouted in unison. The old woman smiled gently and handed out candy to them all.
"Such cute little zoo animals!"
She said happily to the three littles who looked confused.
"Nu uh! Me and my brothers are Pokemon! See?"
The hyper active older brother states proudly.
"Oh my mistake little one. Such cute Pokemon!"
She says with a warm smile. Then the caregivers urge the little to say thank you and good bye before the continued on their way.

After a few more houses they walked into a more packed area. There was a ton of people on this street. Before there was hardly anyone on the streets. But now all the caregivers prayed for was that they could finish up without any issues. But sadly they were wrong.

A man with a Michael Myers mask walked by and caused Jungkook to burst into tears. Fat tears rolled down his cheeks as his daddy quickly picked him up.
"Shh, it's okay angel. It's not real, it's okay pumpkin. Daddy's here. Nothing can hurt you while daddy's here. It's okay love, you are so brave."
Yoongi bounced his baby boy up and down to calm him down as the boy quickly just wrapped his legs around the elders waist and his arms around his neck. The caregiver petted the boys hair before pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"Aw bunny, you wanna go back home?"
The male asks, only receiving a small nod from his hiccuping boy.
"Guys I'm taking Kookie home. My angel needs a nap. Isn't that right little one?"
It was rare that you see Yoongi using a baby voice and using pet names, well not in public. He prefered to show his affection to his littles in private but he couldnt help it. Seeing Jungkook crying like that tugged at his heart strings. People looked at him weirdly but didn't dare say anything to him, the short male shot the people threatening glares at the people who passed by and made strange faces. The last thing he needed was Jungkook or anyone of the littles to feel strange because of any stranger sending weird stares.
"Ah, Okay. Just be careful on your way back. Call us if anything happens. Remember that Kookie has his banana milk put away in the back of the fridge. Oh and-"
Jin calls out as they begin part ways.                                                                                                                             "Okay Jin-Hyung. I think i can handle this little monster." The second eldest says as he and Kookie retreat back home.

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