A merry little christmas

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Little: Namjoon
Caregiver: Rest of BTS

December 24. Better known as Christmas Eve. A day which filled the boys house with tons of love and joy.

The seven boys which resided in a large cozy house in the outskirts of Seoul.
The seven friends decided to move there at least 2 years ago around this time of year. They were all in or fresh out of collage and struggling to find a stable home. It felt like pure luck that a homey little house was for sale and was luckily pretty close to their collage or work place.

All the boys were overjoyed and moved in at once. They quickly settled into their new home and quickly adjusted to living with so many other men. Though it was a bit rough they all grew deep bonds with one another and they all soon felt a shift in their bonds. From friendly feelings towards one another soon turned into romance.
It may be surprising to meet a polygamous group of seven men in Korea, but they loved one another and believed that their love was real. Nothing was going to break them up, not the homophobic little granny down the road or their families.

I'm pretty sure that's what you call true love.

Something I may not have mentioned was that December 25 was actually their anniversary too. The seven men making it official a year ago while they all ate Christmas dinner.
The decision was long coming and confusing but in the end was a decision none of them would change for the world.

So this year was special to them all. They were all super excited to not only be celebrating Christmas with each of their lovers, but also to be celebrating their accomplishments as a group. Being able to make it through all the rough patches of their relationship and being able to come back from all the nasty arguments and in the end find love and only love.

So as they all ran around their home decorating and getting everything ready for Christmas the next day, sneaking small pecks and praises as they passed by one another, they're baby sat on the couch eating crackers while watching power rangers.

Baby? Yes their baby. Well not that kind of baby.
Instead of a child they had a boyfriend who was currently sitting on the couch cutely while waiting for his boyfriends to finish so he can get some attention.

Well you see, they're liver Kim Namjoon, 25 year old CEO of Kim Corporate was a little. Though on the outside he seems to be a serious, hardworking, independent man. With his 6 boyfriends he's a small baby who just was cuddled and attention from his caregivers.
He actually never planned to come out about his interest in little space and was discover by his youngest lover by accident. Now Joon is glad that Jungkook is a bit nosey and wanted to see what his Hyung was googling recently. Because if not, he wouldn't have his amazing daddies to take care of him.
And though the others may not admit it they all believe that Joonies little space helped them in many ways too. It gave them more reasons to smile about, someone to spoil a little extra, and someone to just care and fuss over without complaint.

Their munchkin was another reason this Christmas was so special. They also had a special little prince who they all wished to spoil. It was little Joonie's firsts Christmas and they all wished to make it special. They decorated with lots of pretty lights and ornaments. They hung stockings and Jin helped them all make cookies together, although Tae accidentally bring a batch since he got distracted.

Christmas Eve was here and the others were just putting up the final pieces to perfect the house and all they had to do was wait for Joonie to fall asleep. Since the little still believed in Santa they were all waiting for the little prince to fall asleep so they can sneak the presents under the tree.
But there was another issue, Namjoon is usually out late at work and sometimes pulls all nighters so the littles sleep schedule is always out of wack. So here they were letting him watch cartoons hoping he'd crash soon. But by the looks of it he wasn't even close to being tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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