Chapter 1

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Beep bepp. 7AM. It's time to wake up for the first day of school in my new town. I wished I could sink in the ground, but I was excited for the new life that was expecting me. I got up and after I got dressed and I brushed my teeth I went out with my mum. luckily the Hoboken High School is 15 mins far, but first I went to Dunkin' Donut for an iced coffee.
we walked into the Great Hall and we seated down. after a few minutes  they started to group the classes, listing the sections and then naming the students who were a part of it. 
after naming the "B" I saw a woman in a hurry getting in the Hall. she was wearing a pair of jeans, a Nike sweater and her hair down. she had gentle gentle features and a slight body. The blood in my veins freezes: she had the poise of a swan. I swore with all myself  I could deal with it or talk to her one day. they arrived at the G section: Camille Davis, Sun Miller, Jade Styles, Margaret Wright. I couldn't believe my ears, I'm in class with Sun! after I lined up, when the class was complete that woman stood at the top of the line and she was presented as our Math and Physics teacher. *Oh my gosh you gotta be kidding, right?*
when we arrived in the classroom I seated next to Sun and we started chatting about this and that.
the woman's presented herself as Julie Maine and, after taking the attendance, she started to explain us the Math program of this year. 
there was something different in how she was moving and in her tone of voice. something that made me keep my eyes glued that I wasn't interested in what she was saying.
- Cam she's calling you!- said Sun shaking my arm.
- So, Davis, what's your aspiration in life? -
I was kinda confused by the question, so I whispered to Sun.
- when did she started making these questions?
- it's like, 20 min that we're talking about this
- my aspiration in life is to be happy with someone I love
- and did you already find this person? - said Miss Maine
she made me bluff, I wished I would had the chance to disappear.
fortunately the bell rang and the work day finished.


I was tossing and turning in warm blankets, I opened the eyes and I saw: 7:30AM. *Fuck, and also the first day of school I'll be late.* luckily I don't live so far from school: it takes only 5 mins with the car. I put on the first thing I saw, said bye to my girlfriend who was still asleep kissing unwillingly her forehead and left a note where was written that I needed to talk to her that night. despite having skipped lunch, I arrived at school at 8:10. *shit, I'm 15 mins late.*
when I got in the Great Hall they had already started to group the classes: fortunately they where calling the B!
when we arrived in the classroom I took the attendance and when I called Camille Davis *I don't know why* that name made me smile.
after had explained the Math program I started to talk about the theories of life. I saw that Davis was looking at me in an unusual way that got me curious, so I asked her what was her aspiration in life.
she looked at me confused, and after a few hesitation she answered:
- to be happy with someone I love.
that got me feel strange. *Am I really happy with Marika? Now I'm sure what i have to tell her tonight*
Then finally the bell rang and I got home.
I wasn't expecting to found this...

Me and my Math TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now