Chapter 4

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song: I Was Just Leaving - Ryan Montbleau


it's been 3 months since I broke up with Marika, and I still miss her. Although, I still date no one. I have to admit it, I'm attracted to younger girls. Today I went to school, it was november 1st. for the 1st period I went in 1G, and there were in the classroom only a few students. There was Camille who looked sad, but obviously I didn't say anything. when we started the lesson, after like 10 minutes she started to burst into tears. So I stopped talking and I took her out of the classroom.
- are you okay Camille?
she kept going.
- so what's going on?


- so what's going on? - she asked me. I didn't know what to do.
Actually, I couldn't tell Sun about it 'cause she doesn't know how it feels.
- I'm a monster! - I screamed.
- why do you think that, dear?
*So now what? you just tell your teacher that your probably gay?*
- I did something yesterday...
- like what?
- I can't tell you, or you would think I'm a monster...


I didn't know what to do, so I asked her if she wanted to go home or to stay in the hallway.
-I'm just gonna stay in the hallway for a bit. thank you miss Maine.
so I finished the 1st period and then I had a free period, so I asked her if she wanted help.
- uhm, okay... thank you.
I asked to the presidency if we could go at the cafe in front of the school.


she was really kind. when we arrived at the cafe she payed for my hot chocolate. she asked me what happened yesterday, so I calmed down and I felt better. I started to tell her that I went to a party and blah blah blah.
- oh and Margaret was dressed up like a bunny! - and I kinda smiled.
she smiled me back and she started to giggling.
and I don't know, but that smile made my day. I spent the day thinking about it, and every time I thought about that, it makes me smile.
anyway after all that I didn't know if tell her the truth or omit it.
- don't worry, I'm a teacher but I'm still a human.
so I....

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