Chapter 5

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So I told her the truth.
- oh wow. ...sorry I.. I didn't mean to be rude at all. - she said.
I was kinda embarrassed.


I didn't expected it at all. I was a bit confused, I didn't know what to tell her, because it would be hard for her. *should i tell her about my sexuality or what?*
- well, actually dear, I know what your going through. I have been going through something similar.
- really?
- yeah. well, when I was your age, it was completely different. I used to have a crush on this girl (well she was my best friend) but I didn't tell her my feelings. I kept all inside, and that was wrong.


she kept speaking:
- but now I have confidence, and I'm not scared to be myself.
- I... don't know. I just kissed her back 'cause I didn't want to be rude.
- but did you feel something?
- I don't know... she's a stranger, i don't know her. but... I think I liked it.
- well, you're just too young, you know? It takes time. - and she kept drinking her cappuccino.


I wanted to do something for her. She was different. I wanted to help her.
  the day after, I proposed to her if she needs a math tutor, so I could talk to her without anyone.
- well I'm not that good in math, I appreciate it.
- so it's a yes?
- -yeah, I mean, of course.


so we started to see each other every week. She used to bring with her a notebook. all this was surreal for me. I remember when I met her for the first time 1 month ago, and I hoped to see her again. I didn't know what was happening to me, but she was always in my head.


and then December 2nd arrived. it would have been 1 year of Me and Marika. I didn't want to stay in that empty house, so I spent the night in a bar. I went to Finnegan's pub, which was the nearest.
- hi, what can I get ya?
- just a beer, thanks
I started to drink my Corona while I was watching a basketball game on TV. A good-looking man just sat next to me and said: - hey whassup?
- sorry but i'm gay
- calm down, I didn't wanna to pick you up. I'm just here to watch the game.
- oh okay, so.. I'm julie
- Matt. oh well, actually I'm here cuz I just had a fight with my ex wife, again...
- I happen to be here cuz in theory I was supposed to celebrate 1 year with my girlfriend today.
- *laughing* cheers!
- why is all this so hard?
- don't tell me! I don't get why every time I like someone, she is always not interested in me. what about you?
- I think I have a kind of crush on someone. but I'm not really sure, u know
- and tell me, why ur not sure?
then I asked for a vodka martini, it was 11 P.M. , but I just wanted to make that moment more sad.
- well, I'm that kind of girl who is attracted to the younger one, u know what I mean?
- yeah, i get it. so spill the tea c'mon
- I find her beautiful, but I still don't know if I look at her in a mom way, or in a normal way.
- woah! wait a minute, did she come of age?
- well... i told u. i don't know, I'm not sure if i like her.
- I don't know you girl, but i see ur a bit fucked up man
- ok So, I'll tell you more...

Me and my Math TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now