Chapter 1: Another Problem?!

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(First of all I would like to say the characters and the first part of the story belongs to Marvel. I found the picture on Google.The character of Lyla and other OC's are my made up characters. Hope you enjoy.)
'Im sorry,' Lyla sadly thought, 'to my parents I'm sorry I have to go. To my friends I'm sorry, I wish I could've known you better. To my love, I pray that one day you'll forgive me. But I will always love you.'

These were the thoughts in Lyla's head as she finally came face to face with death. But still looking back at the events that lead her here she didn't know if she regretted it.
It began 2 years ago at Stark Tower......

Lyla sat in the living room with Pepper waiting for her Dad to do his energy purifier thing. She used moments like this to think about how strange her life was compared to others.

According to her Father, Lyla was just another one night stand mistake that was left on his doorstep. He felt sorry for her and took her in. All she knows about her mother is they had the same emerald green eyes while she got Tony's black hair. She does have a golden heart necklace with her initials L.S on them that she always wears from her mother though.

She also thinks that she got her abilities from her. She could control air, water/ice, earth and fire/lightning. They were fun to use, but only if you knew how to control them.

A few years ago her father was a cocky, playboy hot head who only did what he want.
Of course she also got everything she wanted no matter what. All of the coolest and latest things. Basically anything money could buy. When the press found out she was Tony's daughter, everyone went crazy that THE playboy has a daughter. An heir to the Stark empire.

But, of course, Pepper raised her more than Tony did so she's not a complete brat. The only thing Tony really did was not tell anyone about her powers.

Then he got kidnapped by terrorists. Despite their rough relationship, Lyla was devastated when she learned her Father was gone. Not because she didn't get stuff but because he and Pepper are the closest thing to a family she ever had. So, of course she was so thrilled when he was found alive and came home. He was still cocky but at the same time humbler than he was before. She thought she would like this 'new' dad better. She didn't expect him to shut down the weapons department though. She was afraid he'd lost it while he was gone. He spent all of his time in his garage doing who knows what. He finally told her about his new suit plan and she was glad to help him. Then Obadiah lost it and then he died and then Tony did the single dumbest thing she thought he could've done. He told the world he was Iron Man. He might as well have put a giant sign on his back saying " Please try to kill me and my unprotected daughter."

Then everyone loved him again. Then he became sick, Ivan tried to kill him, Hammer tried to ruin him, Natasha was spying on him, etc. Luckily he became better ,defeated the bad guy and started dating Pepper. All while Lyla was learning how to control her powers. It was fairly easy. And she was still being spoiled. You'd think she was happy. Grateful even but no.

She felt even more alone but this is her life. She's not your average rich girl. She sees what the other rich don't. The true problems in life not the problem of one less zero.
She just deals with it.

Now they are in the living room. Living the closest thing to normal Lyla will ever have.
Lyla zoned back in to hear them talking over the radio.

"Pepper, you're killing me. Remember? Enjoy the moment." Her father was saying.

"Get in here and I will." Pepper replied making Lyla roll her eyes.

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