Chapter 12: The beginning

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Eve awoke in a strange place. Whoever owned the place was obviously rich. For one she was on a giant plush bed with red blankets. There was also a chandelier hanging over her. She carefully got out of bed and opened the first door she saw. It was a closest filled with designer clothes and fantastic dresses.
She went to the other day on the opposite wall. It lead to a hallway. She quietly closed the door and went to explore.
It had to be someone's summer house or something. She looked out a window. It was to small to climb throug. She saw a beautiful ocean. Wait. Where's the beach? She silently opened the window and looked down. The house was on the side of a cliff.
She backed away quickly. Even though she could fly she still had a fear of heights. She crashed into someone. She turned and saw a woman with reddish blonde hair. She wore a business skirt and a pink blouse.
"who are you?" Eve demanded. "Where am I?"
"Of course you were unconscious." The woman muttered to herself. she looked at Eve and said "Magic, I'm Pepper Potts. I am a friend of Lyla. She brought you here to protect you. Keep you under the radar."
"Where am I?"
"You are at Stark mansion and are now the adopted daughter of Tony Stark."
"Addy?" Clint said "As in Sam's pet?"
"I was an experiment remember?" Addy said crossed arm. "Turning human is one of the things I can do. Along with persuasive abilities."
She touched Clints check and said "Tell me what you truly think of Natasha."
"I'm partially afraid if her but mostly respect her and she's my best friend." He blinked confused. "How did you....."
"How do you know that about Lyla?!" Sigyn demanded.
Addy was quiet as if thinking about what to say.
"She told me. The Sorceress thought I was just a dumb bird and told me her evil plan monologue."
"How did Lyla find her?" Loki asked.
"The Sorceress came to Lyla during that year she was off the grid. Taught her how to control her magic. It was overwhelming her and the Sorceress found her. If you were her wouldn't you believe everything she said? Especially if the first thing you knew your father was Master of Lies and everything she said turned out true."
"Where do we find her? My daughter? Please." Sigyn all but begged.
Addy opened her mouth but Tony and Peters phone went off.
Tony answered his and put it on speaker "Pepper," he said anxiously "Is something wrong? Have you heard from Lyla?"
"Yes," pepper said, "But you need to come home now."
"Is she there? What is going on?"
"Um Tony?" Pepper asked nervously.
"You know how we've talked about adopting or having children?"
"Uhh....... A little why?"
"Youkindofhaveadaughter." She mumbled.
"C-Can you repeat that?"
"Tony, you are officially the adopted father of Eve A.K.A Magic."
Everyone was shocked. Running footsteps brought them out of their shock. They all saw Peter run out of the room. Andrew went after him while Cadmar picked up Peters phone that he dropped.
His face paled as he read the message. He showed it to Thor.
The message read : Lyla is going to die soon.
She couldn't die. Even if she did lie to him, Peter still loved her.
"Peter!" Andrew yelled behind him.
"I have to save her!" Peter said running to the deck.
"What are you talking about?!"
"Lyla! She's in danger!"
They reached the deck. Peter pulled on his mask and jumped off.
Everyone peeked over the edge to see a web parachute going down.
"Get me a jet. Now." Andrew commanded running back inside.
Lyla was in the living room with Magic, whose name was Eve. Pepper had left to meet with Professor Xavier about Eve.
"What is he like?" Eve asked. After she gotten clean and feed, Eve was preparing herself to have a father. "I mean will he like me.?"
"He will love you. When he meets you and knows you he will treat you as if you were his own."
"How do you know?" Eve demanded terrified. "What if he hates me?! What if he tries to get rid of me? What if he only wants me for my power?! What happens if he kicks me out?"
Before Lyla could comfort her an explosion went off.
"There you are." An alien in a hood said walking in. "Now it's time you pay me for my assistance."
Lylawalkinhe was the one that controlled Loki. But why was he here?
"Eve run." Lyla said. "Go back to the Institute and tell Pepper what happened."
"I'm not leaving you."
"How interesting" It said walking closer. "Will the heroic Lyla sacrifice herself and let Eve go or will both stand and fight? Your move.
"Sir!" An agent from the computer frantically yelled. "We have a problem!"
Everyone turned to the agent.
"What happened?!" Hill said going down the steps to her.
"All of SHEILDs records are public information."
"What?!" Everyone yelled as other agents searched to confirm.
Andrew took out his phone.
"It's true." He said. "I just got an email about it. And a text."
"Who released this information?!" Fury said, "who has that informations?!"
"Lyla does." Addy automatically said.
"Where is she?"
"She's with Eve. At your house."
"No," said a tired voice behind them.
It was Peter with torn clothes. "The house was destroyed but I did find Eve." That's when they noticed Eve behind him.
Sigyn walked to her. "Can you tell me what happened?"
"She saved me. A payment had to be made I don't know what though." Eve said
"What payment?"
"They didn't tell me. Peppers ok she was at the institute when she came."
"Did Lyla release that information?" Fury demanded. Eve hid behind Peter.
"Fury." Sigyn hissed at him. He backed off. She looked at him. "Can you tell me if she did?"
"Lyla didn't. I did."
Before anyone could say anything a huge explosion came from outside. They ran to the windows. It was like the sky ripped open. The Chitauri came out. A huge purple man was also there. He was clearly the ruler as he moved his arms in different directions as if directing them.
"Who is that?!" Andrew said.
"Thanos." Loki shakily said paling
.The Chitauri caused wreckage once more on the city. But now some weren't flying to the city. They were flying everywhere, out to see, to the north, to the south, to the east.
We can't stop them all, Addy thought, we can't.
"We got to do something!" Eve said running out.
Addy soon followed. "She's right come on. Y'all are the heroes not us. Don't just stand there!"
Lyla didn't know where she was. She just felt the pain all over her body. She slowly lifted her head.
Was she in space? All she saw was an endless lack sky filled with stars. She looked at her hands. Her wrists were chained to poles. And it looked like she was on a asteroid.
And in front of her was a portal. It showed New York being attached again.
"No!" She said trying to run forward. Her legs were under her, wouldn't move. As if she was paralyzed. "No!"
"But yes." Someone hissed out. She turned her head to see a man in a clack with his face covered. "The earth will fall. And you are our weapon."
"What do you mean?"
The man walked closer to her. She tried to move but couldn't. He instead pushed a button on the pole. She yelled out in pain. It felt like someone was trying to rip her apart from the inside out.
"Don't worry Phoenix. After this is over you will be put out of your misery. This I promise."
Everyone was in battle now. They had released Sam and Jasmine knowing they needed the help.
Thor, Tony, Jasmine and Sigyn fought in the sky as everyone else fought in the ground. Eve was looking for any of the Xmen as she fought. They wouldn't stand by and do nothing.
Suddenly the purple guy was above them.
"Loki." He said in a menacing voice that sent chills down her spine. "The Earth through your child. You however have failed me. You know what I want now."
"No!" Sigyn yelled coming to Lokis side. "I won't let you hurt him."
"Very well then." He raised his hand to them. A orange orb was in his hands.
Eve knew without knowing what it would do. She couldn't let them die. She summoned all of her power to her. She knew it was dangerous to do. Professor even said not to use it unless it was an emergency but seeing as everyone was losing, she had to.
As Thanks threw the orb, she unleashed her power. She transformed into dragon form and moved along the path to get all the Avengers and with that they disappeared.
Thanos stared in surprise. A mere mortal child was able to escape him. He felt a smile grow in his lips. "Run Loki. I have no need for you or your friends. I have the Phoenix."
He unleashed a red orb into the sky making the portal bigger. "I can't be defeated!"
The End
Of book 1.
Don't worry I will make a sequel but I need to wrap this up to meet the Watty deadline. I will get started on the sequel after the Wattys though. So stay tuned cause you haven't seen the last of Lyla and the Avengers yet.
Until then.
Merry Christmas.

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