Chapter 8: Battle against Reptilia

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It had taken some convincing and begging but Sam was going. Unfortunately she had to wait for everyone else to dress up and grab their toys. Thor, Cadmar and Sif had it change into SHEILD uniform. This was why she had her whip as her bracelet.

She decided to let her team know. It took them a few minutes to answer.

"Lyla," Sam said into the phone. "It's me."

"What's wrong?"

"New York is being attacked by what Loki called Reptilia."

"I know Peter called me."

"What?! He should've told me!"

"You did say your friend was Lola. He's dating Lyla A.K.A me."

"Find I'll let him off the gook this time. But you coming?"

"Yeah see you soon."

"Ok, bye"

They both hung up and then Sam was left to wait.

"Sam?" Clint said walking it her as he entered the plane. She was the only one there and the others were slowly coming.

"Yes Clinty?" Sam asked knowing it annoyed her brother.

"Why are you sitting by yourself?"

"I'm always ready." She said gesturing it her wrist.

Clint smiled and said "Glad to know you haven't changed so much." He ruffles her hair then went to the front to get the jet started.


During the ride Sam kept on winding and unwinding her whip around her wrist. She always did this before a battle. It was a nervous habit she picked up as a child. Jasmine said it had some thing to do with lack of control but she didn't care.

She had felt Natasha's stare on her. As if she was expecting Sam to attack someone. She knew the battle would've been hard so she left Addy at the helicarrier.

"Hang on, Guys!" Clint yelled back as a bunch of thudding started to hit the jet.

The plane started to twirl in circles and everyone had a death grip on their seats. They were right way up but falling nose first into the ground with no sign of stopping. It suddenly stopped.

"Don't do that again." Steve said panting.

"Agreed." Bruce said trying to keep control.

"I didn't do anything." Clint said bewildered not looking back at them.

Sam smiled knowing what happened.


Cadmar was already apprehensive about going into the metal flying machine they called a jet. When it started twirling he was terrified. He glanced over and saw Sam's scared look also. He wanted so desperately to comfort her although he didn't know why. Suddenly the plane stopped.

Cadmar instantly looked to Sam. She was okay but was looking toward the front of the plane and smiled. He followed her gaze and saw 2 people flying in front of the plane. One was holding the plane while the other flew next to her. The one holding the plane had on black jeans, a green tank top, a dark purple mask and the most surprising feature was her wings.

The girls looked at each other.The girl without wings smiled and flew off towards the battle while the wing girl started to lower them to the ground while shaking her head as if saying "Here we go again."

Once they were in the ground everyone let out a sigh of relief. The girl smiled at them and wiggled her fingers at them. She then took off, probably after the other girl.

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