Chapter 10: A few new discoveries

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Peter was mad at Fury. Had what Lyla said true?
When he got to the others were talking in little groups. Although Peter did notice that it looked like Cadmar had a faded lipstick smudge on his check. And it looked like Sam was wearing smudgy lipstick. Wow.
"Is she hot?" Andrew asked as Peter sat with him and Cadmar. "What? It's obvious you went to see your girl and I was curious."
Peter grinned and said "Yeah she's gorgeous. She has long black raven hair. And these emerald eyes that are just." He sighed dreamily, "Those emerald eyes just looked right through me. She knows me and I am glad she does." He blinked taking on a sober expression and sitting up straight. "But I don't know if I'll even she her again."
"You might have more to worry about." Said a voice from behind.
All the Avengers and others turned to see a girl with brown eyes and hair holding a laptop. She looked slightly familiar.
"Jade." Andrew said almost to excitedly.
"Jade?" Fury asked eyeing her.
"I work down on computers but I thought you would want to see this."
She put the laptop on the table and showed them an image from a camera in an alley.
It was blurry. She pushed a button and the image cleared a lot. It showed a young woman with a hood on. She had golden blonde hair peeking out of the hood. You could see she had on a green and golden dress or shirt at least. The image started to play and it followed her going to a building. It was Stark tower. The time in the camera read 11:30pm it was now 11:40pm.
Just then Tony's phone rang.
He quickly answered it. "Pepper where are you?"
There was silence on this end.
"Wait. Who did she say she is?"
More silence.
"Try to keep her there. But don't let her near the lab."
More silence. Tony rolled his eyes a little.
"Look just keep her there. I'll be there soon."
He hung up the phone.
"Anyone want to come meet her."
Sam didn't know who she was and it was clear neither did Jasmine.
Either way she, Tony, Loki, Sif, Thor and Steve were going. Fury wanted to have some one on the helicarrier in case something went wrong.
Once again she was waiting for Thor and Sif to get ready. Instead if waiting inside with Tony, Steve and Loki she was waiting in a jet. It would drop them off on the roof of Stark tower.
Sam was sitting and thinking when she heard a voice from behind her.
"You shouldn't go."
Sam turned to see Cadmar standing there in regular clothes.
"I'm sorry but you can't stop me." Sam said facing him.
"Let me go instead." Cadmar begged.
"Cadmar," Sam gently said, "I need you to watch Clint for me. I haven't seen him in years but.... My friend is at Stark tower. I also need to watch her. She's smart but she does the most reckless things."
Cadmar smiled grimly and said "Just promise me you'll come back."
"I will don't worry." Then they kissed.
They started to go deeper when they heard someone clear their throat.
They broke apart and saw Loki standing there. The worst part was he was smiling.
"Don't worry," he said still smiling, "I won't tell anyone. But you might want to leave. Thor and Sif are coming."
Cadmar nodded. Cadmar and Sam shared one last look and he left.
Sam watched him go and just silently sat down.
Before she realized it they were on their way to Stark tower. Tony was flying just ahead of them.
It didn't take long to get there. And they all traveled down the elevator except Tony he just went on his Iron Man remover pad or whatever it was called.
When they got inside they saw Tony, Pepper and the blonde woman.
The blonde woman wasn't wearing a hood and appeared to have just taken off her cloak. She turned toward Sam and the others and her eyes widen. And then she smiled.
"Loki," the woman said fondly.
"Sigyn?" Loki asked stepping forward. The woman ran to Loki and hugged.
After a few minutes they broke apart.
Loki still looked at her in awe. He finally managed to say, "How? I saw you..."
The woman, Sigyn, looked away in.... shame?
"Loki," she gently said, " I haven't been completely honest with you about everything."
She looked past Loki and saw Sif.
Sif was still staring in disbelief. Sigyn walked away from Loki to Sif.
"It's really me." She told Sif.
"I know." Sif said and then they hugged.
They broke apart shortly and they all sat down on the couches. Everyone was looking at Sigyn expectantly.
Sigyn took a deep breathe and said, "When we first for engaged, Odin did not approve. He asked me to call off the marriage and I was going to do so when.....I found out I was pregnant. With your child." She looked at Loki.
"H-how?" Loki said confused. "I thought we couldn't have a child then, I mean we used protection spells ."
"They don't always work." Sigyn replied softly. "I knew that if Odin found out I would be thrown out of Asgard. I didn't know what to do. Then.....the Sorceress came to me.
"She said she could make Odin think he likes me so I could stay there and keep my child. She told me the only thing in return was something valuable after my child was born. I accepted and before we knew it we were married.
"When Lyla was born I completely forgot about the deal I made. When you were out, when Odin was asleep, she came for payment. I went into our room where Lyla was sleeping. I was just going to grab a handful of jewelry and give it to her. Then I heard Lyla cry. I turned to she the Sorceress holding her. I realized what the payment she wanted was.
"I wanted to get her back so quickly I thrust the handful of jewels to her feet and tried,to get my child. She did not want that. I cast a quick spell that froze time for a little. Right there I knew that she wouldn't stop until she had Lyla. I couldn't let that happen.
"I took Lyla, put her in a basket, wrote a quick note and took a small peak into the future and saw her and Tony when she was 16,17. I knew where to send her and that's where I sent her. I unfroze time and she saw the baby was gone and she tried to stab me. I let her think she succeed and faked my death. I couldn't tell you. There are spies in the palace and if they found out.... I couldn't let that happen."
There was silence for what seemed like forever.
Then a phone rang. It was Sam's. A text message. She quickly checked to see who it was. Lyla.
She sent a quick message and put her phone up.
Hopefully no one saw the name.
Tony watched Sam type a message. He's spend lot of time on devices so he could tell what she was typing.
"Can't talk now, Ly. Tony and others are watching. Talk to you and Jasmine later."
"Sorry," Sam said "my friend needed some advice."
"Tony?" Sigyn asked as if realizing something, " Where is Lyla?"
Loki and Sif moved a couple of spaces away from Sigyn.
"About that," Tony said nervously, "she might've, kind of, sort of ran away a couple of years ago. But that wasn't my fault."
"How could you lose a child?!" Sigyn said getting to her feet.
"In my defense she is cunning and sneaky and-" pepper cut Tony off.
"She outsmarted him."
"I believe it," Sigyn said with a superior smile "She is the daughter of the Master of Mischeif."
The Next Day, on the Helicarrier
Fury said he found out who was the mole in the helicarrier.
"The mole?" Sam asked. "As in the spy? What makes you think there is a spy?"
"The 3 Avions have seemed to always know where are locations are." Natasha said.
"So that would mean their hacking or someone's telling them the locations." Clint explained.
"How will you find them?" Sam asked nervously.
"With this." Tony said bringing out a device that looked like a phone. "Whoever the mole is has a specific single that this device can detect. So if I turn it on," Tony turned on the device. "It'll beep when-" when he guested with his arms it beeped.
Everyone was silent. Tony moved the device toward where it had beeped. It beeped lowly. He moved it yo the left. It was lower. He moved it to the right. It beeped louder. He slowly moved to the right. It was on Natasha. A low beep. On Clint. A slightly louder beep. On Sam. It beeped like a fire alarm.
Then everything went in slow motion.
Everyone started to slowly rise out of their chairs. She moved her wrist unleashing the whip. It hit the light causing sparks to fly and momentarily blind the others.
Sam ran out the room.
She was taking random turns trying to find the deck.
"Sam!" She heard Cadmar yell followed by footsteps on the metal floor.
"Addy!" She yelled as she passed her room' "Time to go."
Addy ran to her shoulder and jumped on. She grabbed her phone and dialed Lyla's number.
"They found me out. I have to leave now. They're going to follow me aren't they?"
"Yes," Lyla said, "You need to go into the city. Try to lose them on the street. I'll follow you and help you out."
"Alright I'll be there soon."
Sam turned a corner and jerked to a stop.
"Cadmar....." Sam breathed. He had an arrow pointed at her chest.
"Sam." Cadmar said with a slight quiver. "Surrender. They'll go easy on you. Just tell us where Lyla is."
"Cadmar." Sam said through clenched teeth, "Stay out of my way. I'm not going to betray my friends but I can't stand you getting hurt. Please, if you're not going to fire let me go."
They stood like that what felt like an eternity.
Cadmar started to lower the arrow when they heard a bang.
Sam looked at him. He knew they'd do this.
"Cadmar," she said with accusing in a her voice.
He seemed to realize what she thought. "Sam, no I-" she ran past him.
"Sam!" She heard him yell but she refused to look back.
How could she be stupid? He's a soldier like Clint. They don't care about what happens to people. They just care about getting the mission done.
She was finally in deck.
"Addy!" Sam yelled pushing her arm upward, "Fly. Go to the hideout!"
The monkey turned into a hawk and flew off as Sam rolled the board on the floor.
As it picked up speed she jumped on and smoothly rode around the planes and workers trying to get her. She was at the edge when a gun shot made her fall back off the helicarrier falling through the air.
Tony had just flown out as he saw Sam fall off. He blasted toward her but she was falling fast and the suit wouldn't go fast enough. Her eyes were closed and her arms were wide open.
He realized that he was probably about to see another person die before him again.
She was by the surface of the water when her eyes popped open.
The board then grew a pole with a flag on it and with a good twist, it blasted off toward the city.
Tony was still and stun for a moment before taking off after her. He was close to the port when a giant wave came in front of him. He barely had time to stop.
"Tony!" He heard a voice he hadn't heard in 2 years yell from above.
He looked up and saw her standing on top of the wave. She wore a cloak, what looked like a SHEILD uniform with stripes. He saw a glint of a sword at her side.
He flew upwards to see her face to face.
"Lyla......." He breathed out.
"Hi dad." Lyla said just as innocently as she always did.
Peter was sitting with the others as they boarded the plane watching the camera from Tonys suit. A wave had appeared in front if him and momentarily disrupted the video.
The video cleared up and showed something he'd never expect.
"Lyla?" He said out of shock. The Avengers, Loki, Sif and Sigyn looked at him in surprise.
"'Lyla'?!" Natasha asked looking at him as if he'd grown a second head.
"How do you know my daughter?!" Loki demanded.
Andrew, Cadmar and Peter looked at each other in shock.
"No..." Peter said shaking his head. "I-it can't be......"
"Lyla," they heard Tony breathe.
"Hi dad," Lyla said, "Long time no see. Can't say I regret it."
"Lyla," Tony said more firm, "What happened to you? Where have you been?"
"I've been learning daddy. I've been controlling my powers. Making a name for my self in the 'mutant' world. I think you've even heard of me and my group. We call ourselves the 3 Avions. I know you meet Falcon. She's quite the spitfire. Or at least that's what a I've heard guys call her. Just ask Cadmar of you don't believe me. Sam told me they've been locking lips twice a day since she arrived."
Clint's head snapped toward Cadmar who paled in realization.
"You've been making out with my baby sister?!" Clint demanded.
"Worry about it later." Loki said walking toward the exit.
"Where are you going?" Thor said following him.
"The staff makes me fly the same way your hammer does you. I'm going to talk to her."
"I'm coming to." Thor said following him out.
On the screen Tony and Lyla were still talking.
"Ly," he said "Please come home. We can talk about what happened. Please."
"My home is with my team. Not some man who claimed to be my father or a foreigner who almost killed me."
"Lyla." Tony said in a commanding voice, "technically I am your father. So you have to listen to me. And I am ordering you to come with me."
"You're not my father!" Lyla yelled at him with a small crack in her voice. "I am Loki's daughter remember? And I am 19! A legal adult! I don't have to listen to you anymore." Peter saw a fire in her eyes as she raised her hands. "I don't have to listen to you or anyone else ever again!"
She blasted water at him messing with the camera. Once the camera was back Tony was near the surface if the water with Thor and Loki also there. The wave was gone.
And so was Lyla.
Lyla wiped the tears off her face as she flew towards the city.She needed to get away from them.
She needed to get to the party for festival Celebration.
The women said something was gonna happen at the festival and she needed to be there.
She was turning onto 5th avenue when she saw she was suppose to be on soon. Yes she had also agreed to preform for the event but that's only to get humans to try to treat them normal. Hopefully this plan would work.
(I got the idea for this part from Disney's hunchback of Notre Dame if you haven't seen it you might not get the reference.)
She quickly hide in an alley and used her magic to change her clothes. She know wore a long black dress with red strips on the bottom of the skirt and edges of the sleeves. She also had a golden scarf with blue stars on it.
"Everyone!" Yelled the German blue man she called friend, his name is Kurt or his superhero name, Nightcrawler. "You are in for quite the sight. I present to you the lovely Phoenix!"
He used his teleporting powers to leave and she used her magic to appear on stage. Everyone cheered.
She carefully moved her body as smoothly as water as she danced. So fluid and loose yet so carefully. She saw people staring at her on awe. A man was dressed as a guard from the renaissance time. He even had a spear.
To make the dance even more special she grabbed it and stuck it in the middle of the stage. She used the spear to swing around and land in a almost seductive pose.
Everyone cheered and Kurt reappeared helping her up.
"Ladies and gentleman!" Lyla yelled to the crowd to give a speech. "I want to thank you all for coming out today. We have a vision. A vision so all kinds of people can come together and live in peace. Humans and mutants. Everyone with their own talents to be united as one. To the beautiful singer to the ones who can fly. To the swimmers to the people who can teleport. We want to be united. Will you join us?!"
The crowd cheered as one.
"United as one!" Someone yelled from the crowd followed by the others, "United as one! United as one! United as one!"
Kurt and Lyla came off stage as Reemy or Gambit, whatever he went by these days came on.
"Come on boys and girls," he said in his Louisiana accent, "Let us present our contests. Y'all be the judges over who has the most unique powers."
The crowd cheered. 3 of Reemy's friends came on stage.
Lyla went into an alley. She used her magic to change back into her Phoenix outfit. It felt more natural to her than a dress. She looked on stage. Kitty and Scott had showed off there powers and the other girl who Lyla didn't know was about to show.
. She looked so small. The girl had to be no more than 14. She had dark brown hair framing her face. Her eyes were also dark brown. It was clear she still had a little baby fat she was still trying to grow out of. But otherwise looked like an average teenager. It was her clothes that drew Lylas attention though. It was a pair of black yoga pants and a shirt that had an x in a circle on the right side.
An orphan, probably a new one Lyla thought sadly.
The girl closed her eyes, took a deep breath and opened her eyes again to reveal they turned red. She then transformed into a terrifying but beautiful and entrancing dragon.
There were screams of surprise mixed with terror. Lyla smiled amazed as the girl transformed back to her human self.
After a silent moment everyone cheered.
Reemy came back on stage with a small crown, like the ones you get at prom.
"I think we can all agree that this was one of the most amazing powers. Agreed?" the crowd cheered in agreement.
"I am pleased to announce Magic as the newest member of the Xmen and winner of our little mutant pagent."
Everyone cheered. And for a moment everything was great.
But it was over.

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