Chapter 11: Who are the real bad guys and who are the good guys?

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Peter watched from the corner of a building. He was entranced by Lyla and amazed by Magics power. He couldn't help but cheer with the crowd.
Then a gun shot like sound came and a net trapped Magic.
He heard someone yell run as the announcer was also trapped in a net. He easily cut it and ran at Magics request.
Magic was trying to escape it but more and more nets kept trapping her like an animal. She roared like a dragon trying to escape as everyone else just stood there. Some laughing but most just starring. Not doing anything.
Then a fiery bird appeared in front of Magic. It was Phoenix. It was Lyla.
She then appeared human in her hero outfit.
"Stop." She commanded as she sliced a net with water coming toward them. "How can you all stand here laughing?! This is a child! What has she done to deserve this?! What have any mutants or anyone with abnormal gifts done to deserve this?!"
Everyone was silently watching to see what this girl would do.
"D-don't hurt me." Magic stuttered flinching away from Lyla. Peter swung closer to the stage. Lyla bent down to her level and took her scarf off her neck. She then gently started cleaning Magics face where a smudge of blood was.
"Don't worry," Lyla softly said, "I'm sorry. No one was suppose to be hurt. I promise I'll help you. You'll be safe."
"You!" A commanding voice said. Everyone turned to see Senator Kelly. The man who despised mutants. "Stop,that! Get off that stage and allow these soldiers to do there job!"
"Of course sir," Lyla said facing him, "Just let me free this poor child."
"If you free her you'll be arrested for aiding a fugitive!"
Lyla with a stubborn look took out her sword. She turned and cut Magic free.
"How dare you?" Kelly hissed at her. "How dare you free that Queen of Monsters?!"
"I am sorry. We came here to reveal a beauty of mutants. You say we've revealed horror of monsters. I find we accomplished both." Lyla took the crown off Magic. "But the only monster I see here is you. You're majesty." She then threw the crown to Kelly. It landed at his feet.
"You rebellious girl." He muttered.
"You talk about treating everyone equally no matter what but you ignore the ones who need it the most! You mistreat those who are different from you but if we were to even think about talking bad about humans we would be tried immediately. Tell me senator where is the justice?! I demand justice."
"Make me."
"Arrest them." Kelly commanded the soldiers.
Lyla looked around Mischief shone in her eyes. There were 15 guys surrounding her all armed and ready.
"Oh no" Lyla said wiping fake tears off with the other end of her scarf. "15 vs 2. What are poor girls to do?" Lyla then snapped her fingers and both of them disappeared.
Lyla and magic were now on a roof of a building near by watching as the crowd looked around.
"Just do what I say and follow me." Lyla said.
Magic nodded.
Lyla stood up, "Oh my gosh!" She yelled for everyone to hear, "How did they disappear like that?! That was an amazing trick! Who else agrees?!"
The crowd started to cheer as soldiers started to climb up the fire escape.lyla grabbed Magic's hand and flew. She started to fly north toward the hide out.
"Can you fly?" She asked Magic.
"Only in certain forms."
"I'm going to let you go and you need to transform into something that flies. Do you understand?"
Lyla let go of the girl. She heard someone in the crowd scream. Then Magic turned into a hawk and flew by Lyla.
"Come on. We need to help the others."
Magic seemed to nod and then transformed back into a small dragon and flew back.
Lyla followed and dove into the crowd freeing others with her sword. Magic kept the soldiers distracted.
Peter started going down when someone pulled him back.
It was Tony.
"What are you doing we need to help her?" Peter said.
"The others are on there way. They are bringing other soldiers with them. They can stop them without anyone getting hurt." Tony said not looking at him.
Loki was also next to Tony but it was clear he was holding himself back. Stopping himself from running to his daughters side. A scream brought his attention back to Lyla.
She was in bird form flying over the running crowd but this fire was different. Instead of orange reddish it was a blue color. She was heading toward a group of soldiers they were holding down Magic who was still in dragon form.
The crowd that was once there seems to have disappear. They were either afraid of the fight or the soldiers ushered them away. Magic was trying to grow, to loosen there hold on her with no use.
Lyla was hovering over the group now. She blasted the soldiers.
More came and started shooting. She lifted her right hand and shot fire at them. It destroyed the bullets then the guns and was traveling up their arms when someone knocked into Lyla.
Lyla knew she had to stop but it was like she wasn't in control. She tried to will herself to stop but she found herself enjoying the choices this thing made.
Her power has never been stronger. She was about to finish the guards when someone knocked into her.
They rolled on the ground a little and then they were both on there feet. The woman had blonde hair and was wearing a green dress like armor. She also had a sword at her waist.
Lyla moved to attack but the woman seemed to know her every move as if she was predictable. The woman was muttering something when all of a sudden they weren't in New York.
The place they were in was huge. It seemed to be divided into many parts. The walls held different scenes from her life.
"I may it be an expert about this but I'm pretty sure a divided mind only leads to trouble." The woman said.
"Who are you? Where are we? What do you want?" Lyla demanded.
"You don't recognize me do you?" The woman said.
"Should I? "
"No, you were only a couple of months old. I am Sigyn. Your mother."
Lyla and Sigyn were still. They were facing each other but not moving at all.
Some of Kelly's soldiers were about to shoot them. Jasmine launched herself forward wings extending. She flew sideways in front of them and blasted the guards. More were coming from the right. Sam flew in on the board and uses her nails to cut the guns in half. She landed and quickly folded up the board and placed it in her bag.
They were both out of the heroine uniform.
More soldiers cam pouring in but show did some SHEILD agents. But it was hard to tell them apart.
Jasmine created an orb and threw it on the ground. Causing the oncoming armies to stop.
"Leave." Jasmine said in a deadly calm voice.
A helicopter came and Nick Fury himself came down, but so did Clint, Natasha and Andrew.
"Jade?" Andrew said at the same time Clint said "Sam?"
"Stay back." Sam said in the same deathly calm tone. "We are not going to let you hurt Lyla."
"Why would we want to hurt her?" Andrew asked as the others came.
" Maybe you don't but what about him." She pointed to Nick. "We've seen the experiments conducted under his command. It's worse then what he was trying to do with the Tesseract."
"You 3 are wrong." Nick said trying to remain composure. "There are no secrets or any more experiments-"
"Then what is the information in this saying." Jasmine said holding up a flash drive. "I have all of SHEILDs secrets in here. If I show the public this it will show no experiments?"
Nick was glaring at them. "Give me the chip. Now." But he didn't deny it.
Sam took the chip and walked halfway to them.
"What happens if I give the chip? I mean it won't stop the Sorceress plan even if I do or don't give it. That's what this is about right? That's who's looking for Lyla? I know if she does get Lyla it's over but why should I give it right?"
"Just give it."
"Fine. Catch." Sam threw the flash drive up. Everyone reached for it but a hawk came and snatched it up. It flew off at light sped.
"Where is it going?" Nick demanded furiously.
"You're not my mother." Lyla said stubbornly. "I've met her, she told me she sent me away. And everyone lied to me about her."
"Your father told you what he thought. Tony was trying to protect-"
"Protect himself. Make sure he got whatever advantage I could give him. It didn't work out for him. What do you want?"
"I want my child to be safe. That's all I ever wanted. That's why I sent you away."
She lying to you. A voice said through her mind. It was the same voice that helped her control her magic the year she was by herself. I'm the one who took you from your mother to protect you. Let your anger show. Make her pay for all the bad things she would've done if I didn't interfere. Make her pay for forging this power in you the day you were born knowing people would try to hurt you.
"Sorceress." Sigyn spat like venom.
"Sigyn, I see you're still on your feet."
"Lyla she's lying to you don't believe her!" Sigyn begged.
"Why would I lie? I'm the one that taught you to control your powers."
"She's deceiving you!"
"Don't listen to her. I've been here for you. Has she?"
"Shut up both of you! Neither of you have any right to tell me how to govern my life" she turned to Sigyn. Her eyes changed from green to flame red and a sort of fire formed around her. "I'm only going to say this once get out of my head!"
The flame grew into an explosion.
Sigyn was knocked to the ground by the explosion. The explosion had knocked everyone else down also.
Lyla grew into The Phoenix and flew off taking Magic with her.
"No!" Sigyn yelled.
"You're all under arrest." Kelly said getting up facing the Avengers.
Sam walked unto him and punched him squarely in the nose. He screamed holding his nose as Cadmar held her back and Jasmine laughed.
"None of the events that happened to day would've happened if it wasn't for you!" Sam said.
"That's enough." Fury said in a commanding voice. He walked over to Kelly and spoke low to him.
Kelly nodded, he whispered something to the commander.
"Move out." He said.
Nick walked over to Jasmine and Sam who were still prepared to fight.
"What are the odds I can convince you to come with us peacefully."
The girls exchanged a look and nodded.
"Probably about as low of the chances as you getting somewhere in a real relationship." Sam said retracting her nails.
Everyone went into the conference room except for Jasmine, Sam, Clint and Fury.
Everyone else sat down looking at the camera screen showing the interrogation room for Sam. The deed had to be done by Clint though.
"Are you suppose to be my interrogation person or are you just waiting for your girlfriend to arrive and do the job?" Sam asked examining her human nails.
"I can handle an investigation by myself you know?" Clint said annoyed. "And she's not my girlfriend."
Sam made a suppressed laugh noise. "Yeah let's go with that Clinty."
"How did you get the claw nails? Are they even real?"
"What part of I'm friends with a powerful sorceress don't you understand? According to her mother, she's more powerful than Loki and her combined. Not that you didn't already know that."
Everyone shared a confused look except for Loki and Sigyn just refused to look at anyone.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb Clinty. You may be an expert at deceiving people but I don't believe anyone unless I know it's right."
"Don't talk to me about not deceiving people. You worst than I am. You deceive family I don't do that."
"Bull!" Sam yelled. " You said you'd come back for me once you made a career for yourself! You made a name for yourself a year after you left! Where were you when they started hurting -!" She cut off as if she didn't mean to say that
"What did they do to you?"
sam was silent.
"I refuse to say any more without my lawyer present."
The screen switched to Jasmine and Fury. She was in the cage that Loki was imprisoned in once.
"Let me guess," Jasmine said sitting down in lotus position "I so much as scratch that glass I will fall 30,000 feet in a steel death trap. I'm the ant and your the boot?"
Fury gave the closest of a confused look anyone has ever seen.
"Lyla talks a lot about her time with the Avengers. But I won't be selling out my friend. You can just leave and let me meditate I will let you know if I wish to tell you anything. Good day."
Nick just left.
"What was Sam talking about?" Cadmar asked. "That Lyla was stronger than y'all?"
"Cause she is." Sigyn said, "The Phoenix is more than just a name she gave herself. It's a power. It always has a hostess. It's always present but not always active."
"Wait, wait wait. You gave your daughter a baby less than a year old a dangerous power and sent her off?" Peter demanded angrily.
"She was born with it." A voice said behind them, "and she doesn't even know she has this power. The sorceress doesn't know that though. So we don't have much time  to defeat the Sorceress, and stop Lyla before the power is to much."
Everyone turned around to see a girl in a black high low skirt with a golden belt and bracelet in her right wrist. She wore a tank top with red and purple circles on them along with a zig zag line down the middle of the shirt. She wore brown sandals that had holes but covered her entire foot. She also had a milk chocolate like skin complexion. Her hair was a dark brown color and was up in a bun.
She was very attractive, she looked 25 at least.
"Who are you?" Tony demanded.
"I am Addy."

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