Chapter 9: Young Love

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When they were back in the helicarrier everyone went to shower and get comfortable. They were all told to stay in the helicarrier until further notice.
Thor, Loki and Sif were talking about the battle with new SHEILD recruits who wanted to be soldiers out in action. Cadmar however was waiting for Sam.She soon came in wearing black pants and a red tank top. Her auburn hair was damp and in a pony tail.
She was gorgeous, Cadmar thought before snapping himself out of it.

She was an earthling and he was an Asgardian. Yet Thor had also fell in love with one of them. Maybe their could be a possibility. Sam sat at a table using a device called a laptop,with Addy next to her. Cadmar glanced over to see if his companions were watching. They were completely focus in their retelling.

He then snuck over to her.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Sam smiled at him and said "Emailing a friend."


"My friend Lola who I traveled with. She asked what I was doing and when we would meet again."

"Do you plan in leaving soon?"

Sam frowned. "I've been debating about that."


"I'm worried I'm just in the way here."

"You're not." He said a little to quickly.

Sam looked at him surprised. Her eyes seem it spark with a joyful happiness.

"You really think so?" Sam asked.

"Of course. I've never meet anyone like you. You fight cause it is both your duty and you enjoy it. You are also very beautiful." He was surprised that part came out. And he could tell she was. They started to lean closer together until they were a couple of centimeters apart.

"Cadmar I-" Sam stopped when the doors opened. They jumped apart when they realized it was Clint. He went to Natasha thankfully.

Sam looked at him and smiled.

"Meet me in my room 5 minutes." Sam said. Then she got her stuff and left with Addy following.

Cadmar sighed deeply. A realization washed over him like a wave. His palms were still sweaty, his throat dry. He wasn't sick. Asgardians don't get human diseases. He then realized what was wrong.

He was in love with Sam.


Lyla and Jasmine agreed someone else should go in but Lyla was to nervous. If they recognized her.... Lyla didn't want to risk it so Jasmine went.

Jasmine of courses used the fake name Sam had told the Avengers, Jade.

She was to act as a new computer person. She'd probably spend most of her time playing a game or something.

Maybe she'd run into that agent she saw. She smiled at the thought.

Right now, she was currently on a coffee break. 20 minutes maximum.

She was sitting at an empty table texting Lyla on her I phone.

'It looks like Sam is doing well.'

'Glad to hear. How about you? Does he notice you?'

'None of the Avengers know any of the agents besides Hill and Andrew you know that.'

'Im not talking about Bruce. ;)'

'We haven't had the time. Plus he's basically an Avenger meaning he won't pay any attention to me. Not unless I was a hero that worked with the Avengers.'

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