The Proposal

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~~~This is still a flashback being narrated by Maddie .~~~

It had been a few months since we first met. We had been hanging out for a while, Tyler would stay for dinner, we'd play and he'd go back home.

When he would leave is the time I got sad. This was around seven or eight o'clock at night. I would take a bath, brush my teeth, and get in bed. I would always write in my diary what happend that day, it only include the times I was with Tyler. I had it hard for him.

As we got older our schedule stayed the same, except for when it was summer. I'll never forget the summer of 2008. In that summer Tyler proposed to me. We were just sitting in my room drawing, I was drawing a unicorn as one does. I had no idea what Tyler was drawing until he showed me. It was a portrait of himself with heart eyes. Underneath it said "I love you Maddie", he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring pop.

"Will you make me the happiest boy alive and marry me Maddilyn Michelle Mason?" He asked passionately.

"Yes! Oh yes! I will." I replied almost too happy. Later that day we ran around yelling we were married and that we love each other.

I still feel that way sometimes.

*** I know this was a short chapter I'm sorry I'll write more in the next I promise. The next chapter will be in real time. ***

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