The Fight

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Maddies pov

I woke up to the alarm clock blaring in my ear. It sounds like a fire alarm going off in you'r head. I sat up and looked around the room. Tyler was lying on his brown leather couch. I pushed myself up off the bed and sat my feet in the cold floor. I walked over to the closet and grabbed pair of my high waisted blue jeans, a lose white tank top, a pair of white conserve, and my black leather jacket.

I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I pulled the jeans I was wearing last night off my legs and slid the new pair up. I threw the old pair in the laundry hamper, and buttoned up the new pair. I pulled my sweater over my head and then my tank top I was wearing under. I then threw both articles of clothes in the hamper along with my jeans. I grabbed my hairbrush and raked threw my hair pulling what seemed like half of it out. I started brushing my hair up into a ponytail when I herd the door open. I was still in my bra. I looked out to see a dumbfounded Tyler outside the door. I felt my heart rate increase.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Maddie!" He yelled closing the door.

"God Ty! Knock before you open a door!" I said angrily. I was more shocked than mad.

I pulled my tank top over my head and grabbed my jacket. I opened the door to find Tyler on his bed pulling his shirt over his head. I casually walked over to the bed and sat.

"I'm sorry for freaking out" I said at my outburst only about twenty seconds earlier.

"No it's fine" He said hooking his arm around my neck. I stold up and walked over to my book bag and picked it up, I then proceeded to my converse. I slid them on my feet and grabbed my phone off the charger. I looked up at Tyler.

"You ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah" He replied.

We walked out of his room and downstairs.

"Hey where are my mini muffins?" Tylers mom asked him.

I stold there clueless.

"Crap, I forgot" He said.

"Well give me my money then" His mom said adding a bit of sass this time.

He walked over to her and handed her a five dollar bill. He walked over to me.

"Let's go" He said

"Ok" I said

"Have fun lovebirds" His mom called out from the kitchen.

We walked out of the door both blushing.

Why does he blush? I mean I blush because I do like him, does he like me? No! No way!

-------------A boring car ride later----------

We pulled up to the school entrance, and he turned off the car.

"And welcome to hell on earth" TyleTyler said in a game show host voice. I laughed and unbuckled my seatbelt, Tyler did the same. My phone dinged and I pressed the power button. On my lock screen read:
"Jack; me and Jas are by the lunch tables! Hurry up slow-asses!" Jack texted the group chat.

I turned my phone back off, then opened my door.

"Yeah hurry up slow ass!" I said playfully stepping out of the car.

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