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I act oblivious from time to time. I refuse to let people know that I actually know what the hell is happening in my surroundings. I just find it hilarious on how people try to explain shit to me that I already know. They would sometimes leave vital information out. Sometimes they would add in unnecessary information. Other times, they would just shrug and tell me that I should've been listening. Well sorry for zoning out half the time assface. Maybe I just wanted to make conversation with you hmmm? Ever thought about that?

But acting and being oblivious are two different things. Remember Gale? Yeah, that guy is so clueless. Gale is a nice guy. He's probably the type of guy that every girl dreams off. Tall, muscular and tan. Deep voice, smart and a gentleman. But see, that's the problem. Despite his good looks and awesome personality, women fall for this guy without even realizing how absentminded this guy is. 

"Why aren't there any woman out there? I'm tired of being single." Well ass-shit, why don't you look the fuck around? There are women literally eyeing you like a piece of meat.

Gale's complaints are really tiring to listen to. Sometimes, I just want to slap him in the face and ask a random woman to date him. I doubt she would say no. This guy is quite traditional and old-school by the way. He is basically a romantic. An oblivious fucking romantic, unfortunately.  

On the bright side, he is great at giving suggestions to other guys. The other guys often question his sexuality. Apparently, he is straight. I mean, hey, just because a guy is a sensitive romantic doesn't mean he's gay. 

Maybe you're wondering whether or not I am also one of his victims. I would say yes and no. Yes, I did find him hella attractive, I mean who wouldn't? And no, I realized quite early on that he's way out my league plus knowing this guy really fucking perfect, there would definitely be some drama in my life. I don't need that kind of thing right now thank you very much. 

Because my mind is filled with curiosity and possible dirty thoughts once in a while. I bluntly asked Gale whether he had sex at all. He admitted that he did, once. He was pretty upset at that time and wanted to drink to forget. He was alone at that time, I think. The next day, he woke up naked in a hotel with fucking Jacinta. Of course, he remembered everything. He remembered her approaching him, fucking her and obviously kissing her. 

As a reader, what did you think I did after knowing his story? I'm quite predictable, aren't I? Yes, I pinched the skin under his armpits till it bruised. He was on the ground in tears. 

"Did you leave her after all that?" I asked. 

He was wise not to lie to me. "Yes," he muttered. 

I glared at him. 

A few minutes later, Gale was worried about the fact that I might have made him infertile. I was scolded by Jacinta after she found out what I did.

Don't worry, Gale and I are still good friends.

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