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If I could, I would have moved out already. But the thing is, I'm hella lazy to do anything at all. I rather do chores at home while having nothing to worry about such as rent and food. But then again I want to buy shit without asking my parents for cash. Oh, the struggle.

The annoying thing is that Russel is one of those people who's from a rich and wealthy background. He is surprisingly not spoiled for someone like him. I guess in a young age, the pressure of pleasing his parents was too much for him so he decided to give up on that and rely on the flattery of others. And I'm sure he enjoyed the attention that he received, something that he never experienced when he was young. 

Russel is unexpectedly someone you wouldn't think would be rich. He really is slightly shy and socially awkward. He lives in a cheap apartment, the interior was pretty decent looking, And he wears nothing but simple outfits. The only time we found out that Russel was actually a rich guy was when the only gifts he gives us would be luxurious stuff. Like this one time, Russel gave me a bag and purse all from Gucci for my birthday. He also gave Juana and her boyfriend an all paid expense trip to Italy. He gave us all something luxurious the whole group feels thankful that we have such a rich friend like him. But truth be told, despite being greedy little assholes, as a group we do try to give him something in return. 

Russel loves collecting alcohol. So as a group, we would try to pool our money in for the whole year and see how much we collected to buy him alcohol with a pretty package and high alcohol concentration. Of course, him being him, he appreciates whatever the hell we give him. 

It's no surprise that Russel fell for Riza. Riza is quite his opposite you see. Besides the difference in salary and personality, Russel fell in love with the Riza that sold his gift in order to provide for her family.

 Russel gave Riza a set of jewelry costing half a million see. 

"I can't accept this," Riza said upon receiving the gift. "This is too much even for me. A greeting is enough."

Obviously, Russel insisted that it was no big deal and refused to take back the jewelry. The next day there was a fight between them. I don't exactly know the details but Riza did sell the jewelry except for bracelet which she kept with her. I don't know how much she got for selling such a thing but I do know that it was a pretty large sum of money. When Russel found out, he was furious that Riza sold the jewelry that was hand-crafted for her. The fight did go on for a bit until Riza admitted and explained why she did what she did. 

Most of the cash that she got was saved in her bank account knowing that she was going to pay quite a large amount of student loan and the rest was given to her family. The money that her family got was used to pay off the house mortgage and her siblings' tuition fees. 

Russel was pretty moved with what happened. But I doubt that's when he first fell for Riza. He tried to court Riza. But she refused. No one knows why she refused him. 

"But it's pretty scary to be betrayed and left alone, don't you all agree?" was the only explanation she gave us. But even so, Russel still waits for Riza to get around. He tries his best not to buy her affection using gifts and wealth but I guess old habits die hard. Gale is helping him win Riza's favor at the moment though.

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