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Silence. It's probably one of the things that I appreciate in the world. Why? Well, for starters, spending quality time with someone does not mean that you have to constantly jabber away. Sometimes, just being with the person is enough. Sometimes, just enjoying their presence is enough. 

Take Raphael for example. He's a friend who I have a tiny crush on. I admire the dude. I don't even know if I can classify this as someone who I 'like-like'. Well the way I met him would be at one of Russel formal parties. See, every now and then Russel's family would arrange formal events for the benefit of the company and increase connections. Of course, Russel would occasionally invite us because frankly, he hates these kinds of parties. 

"It's suffocating." Is what he would always say. 

And I agree with him on that. The only reason I'm attending this party is for moral support and most of the times, I'm being forced to go. But let's be real. I am just being forced to go. Period. In more ways than one If I may add. SO, at this particular party, we were introduced to a few people that might possibly help us in terms of connection with our future careers. And Raphael was assigned to me. 

There's really not much to say about Raphael. He's a pretty good looking guy. He's a not too flashy and not too shabby type of guy. About 3 years older than me. And we agree on most things. That's it really.

At first, it was pretty much awkward between the two of us. Merely discussing things heavily related to his work or my future. That was until I found out that he and I do share a common interest which is the love for true crime and the paranormal. The way we found out that we shared common interests is when I dropped by the bookstore to find for something good to read, we saw each other in the same aisle taking interest on almost similar books.

"The Disappearing Act on Marilyn Jane?" He asked as I slowly nod my head. "I think her death was all for publicity. There's evidence to prove that she's still alive."

"Yeah, that's what they want you to believe but... BLAHBLAHBLAH"

I don't think that writing that piece of information would be necessary here. It would just make this long and utterly boring to an already boring story especially to those of you who just find topics like these a bother. Well, that's how it started off. So every now and then, I would just keep in touch with him. 

What I extremely love about the time I would spend with this person is the fact after a long discussion and or argument about certain topics, we tend to get tired and just literally sit there in silence. I think it's what people usually call as 'comfortable silence.' Most of our friends found it really weird.  

To give you a clearer picture of what's it like, say your a stranger watching from afar. Imagine looking at a girl and a guy sitting at a coffee shop, laughing and enjoying talking to each other about a certain topic. They would tease each other and often spout witty comments about the other's argument. Obviously, you're first assumption for this kind of scenario would be: "Ohh, such a cute couple." That was until the conversation slowly dies down to silence. We would sit there for maybe 15 minutes or more just sipping coffee and looking around. Sometimes, the guy would start to tap the floor or maybe the chair. Sometimes the girl would just stare at him or look out the window. Keep in mind that neither of them was smiling. They have a quite calm and serene look on their faces.  The girl would then randomly get up and give the guy a quick smile and wave then exit the coffee shop. Other times the guy would brush her hand and leave the coffee shop. Either way, both of them would leave the coffee shop after one of them leaves. 

Now that I think about it, it is weird. Maybe as an outsider, you may have thought, did they have a fight? Or things like what just happened? Or maybe even something like these two people are doing something shady... or naughty... Oh wow, now I understand why everyone is so concerned about the fact that the way we act looks like we're doing something that's not supposed to be done. Well, that's actually really bad. Ahh... I think I might have to call Raphael about this minor problem. 

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