Chapter 19

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Whoever's POV
After the lunch Jaemin guide XuYing around his house compound and bring her to his room. XuYing walk around the room watch the old pics of Jaemin when he was young.
"U sure cute when u were young" she said while holding a frame pic of him
"Well u see that and now i'm super handsome" he said with a grin
"Look ulgy the most to me"
"Hey!" Jaemin yell a bit
They sit in the bed

"Babe what wrong??" Jaemin ask
"Nth just feel uneasy without reason"
Jaemin peck her lip and bring her to his lab.
She put her arm around his neck and bruies her face in. He put his hand around her waist and pull her closer.
"Do u know how much I love u Nana?"
"Maybe not, but exactly and i never imagine that we been together almost 2yrs it like our meet was yst it still fresh"
"Nana what if we're soulmate but we cant be together??"
"Idk Xu that is why i always spent time and still need to with u cuz i never know if we end in good or bad term"
"And u will always be my first if u cant be my last. I also hate the feeling of losing someone especially u" Jaemin said and lean into her face staring straight in her eyes like asking permission if he can kiss her.

XuYing' POV
I know what he thinking i nod as a cue for him that i approve. He lean closer as i close my eyes, feel his soft and plumpy lip on mine.
He cup my face and deepen the kiss more passionate, i smile between the kiss and i feel his too. I gaph when i feel his hand touch my back bare skin. he use this opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth. A few minute we broke the kiss and breathing hard cuz running out of air.

"I-it o-our f-first time k-kiss like this" i said still feel the heat burning on my cheek.
He smile and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "Ur lip taste different from when i peck" he said confidently. I hit his arm

Jaemin's POV
"Ouch that's hurt babe, i should punish u" she began to run around the room i chase her. Back hugging her and pull her on the bed with me. As we cuddle each other her phone ring but she doesnt pick up, turn it off, and continue cuddling.
"Why dont u pick it up?? Who's that?"
"It's just mom. I had enough today let just enjoy our time." She said and snuggle in my embrace.

Meanwhile In China
RenJun's POV
I arrived in my home town.
"Long time no see old place" i said as my feet touch the ground and breath the old air.
I saw a black car and notice it. I walk toward it and the door open revealing my Dad.
"Hey dad where mom?"
"Hop in she at home" dad said with poker face. His typical face

I went inside the room and saw almost everyone in my house. Tbh i'm from a well known bussiness family also to my relative.
{speak madarin}
"Ma i miss u" i hug her
"Miss u too my son come sit down"
"Why is everyone her Ma??" I ask cuz feel sth fishy.

"Son! ur brother is going to married to the TX Cooperation's Daughter Ti XuYing" my eyes widen as i heard the name.
"What ma? Who??"
"Ti XuYing! TX Cooperation's Daughter. Did u know her?" My dad said.
"Yeah! Didn't u know she my teammate's girlfriend???" I almost shout at them

"We know but her mother agree to this married anyway we need there help cuz our conpany doesnt work well this past months"
My uncle said.
"But didnt they have other daughter??? I thought they have." I said in protest.
"They doesnt have other daughter my dear it their son. He's a boy Xuxi can't married a boy" my aunt spill out with her disgusted face. I stand u and walk to my room lock myself inside.

"I dont know what they thinking. Part of me want to be the want who wear her the ring. Another one think about her relationship with Jaemin, even i love her and still can get over yet, even it my brother who married her but i feel like i betray my teammate, more over they both are my bestfriend" i thought as my body slam on the bed i close my eyes not wanting to think of any other think and let myself doze to sleep.

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