Chapter 22

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{China Wedding Day} {Grand Palace Resort} (i just make that resort up)
Whoever's POV
Today is the day of every girl wish, every girl smile, also a goodbye to their single life. But XuYing sitting in the dressing room without emotion. She was suppose to be happy, she was suppose to married to Jaemin the one and only for her, she was suppose to exchange ring and kiss with him. But everything just suppose, nothing of her wish will grant today.
"Xu. It's almost time are u ready?!" Mark ask. Yes the dreamies come if not for cheering their bestfriend couple atleast to comfort XuYing cuz she dont like being around stranger and her family that much. Only Mark,Renjun, Chenle and Jeno come.
"I'm ready from the time I walk away from Jaemin" she said very dry. She ask for Mark to be the one who hand her to Renjun Brother.
"U'll be fine right?? Dont push urself!"
"I'm fine oppa let's go" she peck mark cheek and place a plastic smile on her lip.

(Skip time cuz idk what wedding have to do beside exchange ring and kiss it done hehe)

"Will you Huang Xuxi accept Ti XuYing to br ur respectful wife?"
"I do"
"Will you Ti XuYing accept Huang Xuxi to be ur respectful husband?"
"........... I do" there a long pause before she answer cuz she daydream about her and Jaemin
"You may kiss"

XuYing's POV
He hesitage about the kiss thing. He give Renjun the /should I do it/ look. Renjun nod then he turn to me ask my permission i nod but still he hesitage. I look around the audience waiting with eyes full of sparkle.
He still hesitage, why not cuz before married we never met not even once just today. I pull him in and kiss as the loud cheering voice fill the hall.
"I kiss someone that not Jaemin. I kiss him cuz i need to not from my feeling. The kiss doesnt make me flutter or butterflies in my stomach" my mind keep replying those sentence over and over again. Until I back to reality we have to share a house and a room together.

"Are you okay??" He ask me
"I'm Huang Xuxi Renjun brother." He said and existing his hand toward me. I grab and shake it as the approvel the he can be a part of my life. "I'm Ti XuYing, Renjun Bestfriend and ur wife"
"Ohh and im ur husband" he said but look embrasse.
"I didnt mean to break u and ur boyfriend i heard from Renjun u guys doing good. I'm really sorry if not cuz of the Company." He voice full of guilt
"It's okay. Like he said all soulmate doesnt end up in good term atleast we cherish the moment we have, maybe i meant to be with u not him"
"I promise i'll be good to u."
"Just be normal i'm tired let's just sleep"
"Okay? Good night" he about to walk out i grab his wrist
"U can sleep here on the bed with me u my husband after all" and i doze of to sleep

On the other hand {Korea NCT Dream dorm}
Mark's POV
"He being like this since she gonna not to be selfish but if he keep drink and cry our team gonna fail" i said to Renjun and Haechan
"Xu-ah u okay?? Where are u?? I miss u. I miss u." Jaemin said with his drunk voice and start crying like a kid. Renjun walk over to Jaemin

"Wake up u fool. U cant do this not to u not to us. Especially Xu did u know that how much she hurt and what if she see u like this do u ever thing what she feel?? U told her to be happy and u?? Now look at ur self and think. If u keeping being like this the whole team gonna fail u gonna destroy everything we come through no even us Xu also. Think HOW MUCH AFFORD SHE FUCKING PUT INTO TO LET U, US COME TO THIS POSITION THINK ABOUT OUR FAN AND HER. WE HURT, SHE HURT WE WANT U GUYS TOGETHER TOO SO WAKE UP NA JAEMIN NO ONE WANT THIS SHIT TO HAPPEN" Renjun suddenly yell make everyone in the dorm startle cuz no one ever see this side of him. After that no one dare to talk so we just clean up Jaemin mess while Jisung and Haechan help him clean up.

11:11~~ Na Jaemin FF~~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora