Chapter 2

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Lance's POV

While I was lying in my bed wondering why Keith came to my room to check if I was ok. I decided to get out of my room to get some air and clear my head, while I was walking the halls of the castle I heard two voices around the corner. The first one sounded like Shiro and the other was Keiths which I'm not surprised, I hid around the corner to ease drop on the conversation.

"Did you Apologize to Lance for getting mad at him?"

Keith just stood there stiff as a board, he seemed a bit distracted. Shiro waved his hand in front of his face. 

"Hello? Keith? You seem distracted, did something happen?" Shiro questioned.

Keith sighed and shook his head to get rid of what he was thinking. 

"Yeah I did...but he was acting strange, I just don't know what's up with him"

My eyebrows were slightly raised and  pushed together, my head was pushed forward a bit so I could hear better.

"What do you mean?"

"Basically when I went to go talk to him he seemed...a bit down, not like sad because of what happened earlier. It seemed that he has been sad for a while... I don't know" Keith's thought was interrupted with a different one, his eyes went to the floor.

"Keith don't over think this, but from what I'm hearing is that you may or may not want make things right with Lance and not be rivals which mean not to fight all the time" Shiro put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him that everything would be ok.

He's right, I have been upset for a while, but I don't know if he wants to make things right like I do. I just don't want to fight anymore. I thought to myself. 

As I was about to go back to my room I heard their footsteps walking towards my direction, which then urged me to sprint.

Keith's  POV 

Maybe Shiro is right, maybe I do want to make everything up between him and I but I just don't know how,  It is my fault after all, if I didn't get mad him for the most absurd things. But I think I should eventually talk to him about how he truly feels, it will take some time but it's worth a try.

By the time I turn the corner I stopped because I felt like someone was here but just left, it's probably no big deal. I shrug my shoulders and kept on walking.

~Time Skip~

"Paladins please come to the control room it's urgent!"

Once everyone reached to where Allura was, she began to explain what so urgent.

"I need you all to go on a Galra ship to retrieve some information we need to figure out what Lotor is up too" she said seriously.

"Gladly Princess we will do our best" Lance spoke then finger pointed at her.

Keith rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Allura wasn't amused at all about Lance's action.

"Alright everybody, you heard what Allura said let's get to our Lions" Shiro said being the leader that he is.

Once they all got to their lions they flew to the Galra ship unseen because of Pidge's cloaking device.

"Keith, Lance you two go inside undetected. I assume that it won't be a problem, Hunk, Pidge, and I will be holding off the Galra as much as we can"

Keith got into the ship unseen but Lance was caught, the Galra started to fire at Lance. Keith wanted to go back and help but he knew that Lance was strong enough to protect himself.

Drifting Away ~Klance~ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora