Chapter 9

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This picture will make sense later in the chapter. It's a visual of what I'm trying to describe. 

It was Friday morning and everyone was asleep. Until Allura woke up from a nightmare, she was breathing heavily and sweat was dripping from her forehead. She got out of bed and exited her room, Allura was stressed over the past few days, even though half of the time it was relaxing not thinking about Lotor trying to destroy the universe. She thought that letting everyone have a little vacation to relax was a good idea, the Paladins have been fighting for their lives for a while. But now she thinks it's the right time get back out there to defeat Lotor once and for all.

Allura's POV

I was looking out into space thinking about Lance and the times we had. My eyes started to tear up because of how much I've liked him, but I have to move on at some point. I can't be stuck liking only him.

"Paladins! Wake up we need to figure out a plan to defeat Lotor" I said on the intercom.

I waited in the control room for everyone, they were still in their pjs expect Shiro.

"I know that our little vacation from this war was relaxing but we must defeat Lotor before he does anymore damage to the universe. So- where's Lance? I thought he was here"

The group was looking at each other until they all shrugged, until Keith volunteered to go wake him up. While Keith was gone to wake up Lance, I told everyone what the plan was. We find Lotor and attack. 

Keith's POV

Lance wasn't awake so I volunteered to go wake him up. Once I got to his door, I knocked and then walked in. I saw him curled up in a ball while hugging a pillow. I didn't want to wake him up because he looked too cute while asleep, but we had a mission to prepare for.

"Lance, it's time to wake up." I shook him lightly and spoke in a quite, sweet tone. While I was trying to wake him up, he pulled my arm and I was now laying down next to him. As much as I want this cuddling to last, we had to go. I was blushing hard core, Lance's arm was wrapped around me and I felt his light breathing on my neck. (Spooning that's what I'm trying to describe)

"I pick you Keith, wait Allura come back, I want you too." Lance was saying in his tired voice.

I slowly sat up and looked at him and thought did he choose the wrong one? Did he want Allura instead? I tried not to let it bother me but it did. It really did bother me a lot.

"Lance, wake up now" I said in a slightly annoyed tone. Lance finally opened his eyes then rubbed them and stared at me, I didn't look at him.

"Good morning Keith, Keith? Are you ok?" He tiredly said. I told him that I was fine and that I was just tired, I got off his bed and laid my hand on the handle. Before I left I slightly turned my head to look over my shoulder and told him to get ready for the mission, and then I left. 

~Time Skip~

Everyone was in there lions listening to Alluras directions. Lance wasn't sure what was wrong with Keith because he looked pretty mad, but he told him that he was just tired. Of course he didn't believe him, but he had to think of the possibilities of why Keith may have been acting this way. 

The Paladins were flying through space to find Lotor and attack him. Pidge was in control of where they were and if any calls came in, after a while there was no sign of any galra cruisers, which also means Lotor isn't around. To past the time Lance spoke up and asked everyone how their lives were.

"Keith you never answered Lance's question, how's your life been?" Shiro said.

"I rather not explain how my life has been going because, once I find something that makes me happy for all goes away when you find out that thing that made me happy is the one thing that frustrates me."

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