Chapter 7

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Ok so I saw this video and I thought it resembles what I'm going for in this story, also credit to the person who made that edit because it's very good. 

Lance POV

Allura was starting to get annoying, she wouldn't leave me alone. She won't let me think, I mean I care about Keith and I know something is wrong but he just didn't want to tell me. I was still horrified that the fact he had blood dripping from his mouth, is he dying? The thought of that scared me. The thing is, if I didn't know about it, then I would feel... terrible I wonder if Shiro knows what's happening to Keith.

I stood from my bed and left my room to find Shiro, while I was searching for him, Keith was walking down the hall so I turned around and went the other way because I knew he wouldn't tell me anything. When I began to turn around I heard Keith say my name, he must've heard my footsteps. He started to walk towards me, he gave me a smile trying not to make anything awkward.

"Hey, so um I'm sorry for what happened probably won't happen again."

"What do you mean it probably won't happen again?" I questioned.

I saw Keith changed his position from standing to leaning against the wall and looking up at the ceiling, he held his wrist.

"Lance their is something wrong with me and I don't know what it is, I would tell you because we are friends." Then their was a pause, it lasted for a couple seconds. "Look Lance...if you like Allura then go for it, no one is holding you back." His eyes drifted away from Lance's eyes.

I hate when people assume who I am into, why can't for myself. It's so annoying, I don't go around and assume who they like. Why can't I just like a girl but maybe, Maybe I like Keith for God sake, or both, God knows who.

"Keith, I told you yesterday that I don't like Allura. I'm just confused...I've been stressed about this whole thing recently." He stared into Keith's eyes.

"I didn't know that you were stressed, I'm sorry...."

Keith's POV

I really didn't know that he was stressed, but right at this moment I wanted to kiss him. But I knew I couldn't because I didn't know if he was into guys. It's just everytime I see him, he seems to get more handsome each time. 

"It's ok Keith, I'm not that stressed anymore. I was just about to go talk to Allura about something. "

The second he said her name my heart broke a little.

"Oh what about?" probably to tell her that he likes her.

"Uhh something personal..she told me to talk to her if I have something to talk about"

I could tell that he was lying, his eyes were going every which way while he was talking, avoiding eye contact with me. He was fidgeting with his hands, he seemed nervous. I folded my arms and asked him again why he was going to go talk to Allura.

"It's personal...Allura is uh..s-she wanted me to tell her what I came up with" Lance stuttered.

I interrogated him some more to make sure he wasn't lying even more. 

"Then why can't you talk to me about what you're feeling?" I asked, stepping closer to him.

"Because...I-I um she..I have to go"

Lance walked past me quickly, I still don't know why he was going to Allura when he can talk to me. I walked down the hall thinking about when I should tell Lance that I like him. That's when I thought of the idea to tell him after dinner.

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