Chapter 6

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This picture will make sense later in the chapter. 

Over the past few days Keith and Lance were getting closer, they hung out almost every second of the day. But Allura didn't like seeing Lance having fun without her, she felt like she had to do something about it. Both  of her hands were in fists she walked up to Lance and Keith, interrupted there conversation.

"Lance may I speak to you please? It is important for you to know."

Lance eyed Keith for him to say something, but what Keith did was he just stared at her. He wanted her back away, to leave, but he knew that it wasn't going to happen no matter how hard he tried to keep her away.

"Go ahead, Lance I'll talk to you later" Keith said with his hands in fist in his pockets.

"Are you sure Keith?" Lance's eyes were trying to search for Keith's but he was avoiding eye contact with Lance.

"Yes he said it was alright let's go, it's important. " Allura eagerly took Lance's hand and ran, finally Keith looked up slightly hurt. Lance couldn't keep his eyes off him, he wanted to talk to him more, he loved getting to know the emo kid that no one talked to.

Keith went to his room to wait for Lance, minutes went by and he thought that he wasn't coming. Keith decided to go looking for him, he heard Allura's voice so he assumed that Lance was with her. They were in her room, he decided to stand outside the door for the second time to eavesdrop.

Allura's POV

I finally got Lance alone, I wanted to talk to him about how he was feeling, about if he made up his mind. We were in my room, sitting on the bed.

"So Lance have you made up your mind, figured out your feelings as you said"

He looked distracted, like he was thinking about something else that he seems more interested than me. I waved my hand in front of him to get his attention. When I finally did he looked at me a bit annoyed, I don't know why because I'm his best friend. Well second best friend because Hunk is the first, I tried to ask him what was wrong but he dodged that question.

"Lance answer my question stop dodging it" I was getting frustrated with him at this point.

"No Allura I haven't figured out my feelings, give me time to think about it for a while please. You can't keep asking every minute of the day of how I feel." He said while standing up from my bed and left.

~Time skip~

Lance's POV 

When I walked out of Allura's room I saw Keith standing there he seemed a bit hurt I assumed. Did he hear everything? How long was he standing there for? I had no idea what to do but try to ask him what he heard.

"Keith, how long have you been standing here?"

He crossed arms and turned his head away, he looked back at me.

"I haven't been here long, that you don't like anyone and you want to be left alone. I heard that you like Allura but then you don't, so what is it Lance? Do you like her or not."

I was confused on how he knew all of this.

"Keith..I don't like her, I don't know who I like...I'm just so confused." I told him trying to convince him that what he heard wasn't true, I really didn't know who I was into.

Keith unfolded his arms and his expression wasn't as mad but I could tell that he was slightly angry. He walked up me, and my back was up against the wall. We were face to face, inches apart..I didn't know what to do, to push him away or just let it happen.

Keith's POV

I wasn't mad at him was just irritated at Allura that she won't leave him alone. But why did I just do that? Was it because I wanted to kiss him...but he just told me he didn't know who he was into, but we were inches apart and his eyes were so beautiful and I know it's clique but I get lost in them. My heart was rapidly beating it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, I've liked him for so long that I didn't even know until now. Before I made up my mind on what to do a blue petal covered in blood came up, I caught the petal and I saw Lance's horrified expressions.

"I'm fine don't worry"

"Keith you're bleeding! Of course I'm going to worry, because you have a line of blood down your chin. We need to tell Shiro or someone!" He said worried.

"I need to go, sorry. I'll talk to you later tonight during dinner." I told him  while holding the petal in my hand. As I walked away, I didn't want to leave the conversation that way, but I did. I had my own things to handle. Which sucks because I wanted to continue talking but I knew this would happen I just didn't know when.

~Time skip~

It was about to be dinner time and Hunk has prepared a delicious meal for everyone. Allura was staring at Lance across the table in awe, Shiro wasn't at the table yet because he was talking Keith, Pidge was helping Hunk with dinner, and lastly Coran was he was just being Coran.  Once Keith and Shiro finally showed up to the table, the tension in the room was intense no one wanted to speak because it was awkward. Keith sat next to Lance then he whispered so only Keith could hear.

"What happened to you earlier? Are you ok?"

Keith just nodded he didn't want him to worry, but Keith was certainly scared if he was even going to live.

"You would tell me if something was wrong? We are friends after all"

Keith was glad he was his friend but he wanted to be more than friends. He just doesn't know how he will make this happen the way he wants it too.

"Everybody I have a announcement to make" Allura tapped her glass with her utensil. "Lance and I are.." Lance turned his head quickly and shot her a glare.

"Never mind I made a mistake" she proceeded to sit back down.

Keith kept making tiny glances towards Lance, but each time he looked away before he saw. Lance knew that he was looking but he didn't say anything because he thought it was somewhat cute.

~Time skip~

A few weeks went by Lance and Keith still had a strong bond. They hung out whenever they could, whenever Keith didn't throw up petals. Allura was more jealous than ever, she hated Keith taking Lance away from her. But she couldn't figure out if Lance was still interested in her anymore, she wanted to give up, but she liked him too and probably the same amount much as Keith did. Lance was leaning towards Keith, he thought that Keith was interesting and he hung out with him more since he kind of stopped hanging out with Allura. He never really liked a guy, he's confused but eventually he wouldn't be  confused anymore about this. One day Lance would tell someone who he likes more but he isn't sure at the moment. 


I feel like this chapter was too short too, I will try to make it longer but I couldn't think of anything else to write, so you could say I have writers block.

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