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I walk up the path, knocking on the door loudly.

Seconds later the door swings open and i relax instantly.

''Ivy? what's wrong, have you been crying?'' Susie worries.

I sigh ''it's already been a long day and it's not even 9 am yet'' i laugh dryly.

She pulls me into a quick hug, ''hey, it's okay'' she says grabbing my hand and pulling me inside and upstairs.

''This way'' she says guiding me, ''Susie i know where your room is'' i laugh quietly.

She rolls her eyes, chuckling, ''i know, i just have to do something before school'' she smiles, opening her bedroom door.

She lets go of my hand, ''okay'' i smile as she sits down.

''But first, we're gonna talk about what happened'' she says seriously.

''It's fine, Susie'' i assure her and she just looks at me.

''Sit down, Ivy'' she smiles, i don't move.

''Ivy'' she groans and i chuckle.

''You're cute when you get determined'' i tease and she goes pink.

I give in and walk over to the bed, sitting beside her.

''Sabrina and I got into a fight with our aunties'' i start and she nods lightly.

''They just kept going on about our birthday and how we're spending it with them and our...family plans, and i got angry and so did Sabrina and we tried reasoning with them but they wouldn't listen, i don't want to spend my birthday like that, i want to spend it with you..and Roz and Harvey and Sabrina'' i explain sniffle.

''Then don't, come with us for your birthday'' she says with a light smile like it's the easiest thing in the world.

''I wish i could'' i say quietly, smiling sadly.

''So, what do you have to do before school?'' i change the subject quickly.

She grins, standing up ''well since we can't celebrate your birthday together this year, i got you an early present'' she says, getting something from her drawers.

''Susie, you didn't have to do that'' i smile, ''i wanted to'' she says happily.

She hands me a small, blue box.

''Open it'' she smiles excitedly and chuckle opening it.

Inside is a silver chain with a small silver heart, 'S+I' engraved in the middle.

''I care about you a lot and i hope you remember that'' she says, a soft pink stains her cheeks.

''I love it, thank you, Susie i care about you too'' i hug her tightly.

I pull away slightly and for a second i see her eyes flicker from my lips up to my eyes nervously, out of reflex i do the same when her dad calls upstairs.

POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now