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We sit down and Blackwood stares at us before turning to aunt Zelda and aunt Hilda.

''Now, your aunties tell me you have questions, about your baptism and such'' he says calmingly, yet it still feels wrong.

Sabrina looks at me, then Blackwood.

''We do...but i'm not sure where to begin'' she says anxiously, making me anxious, i smile at her reassuringly.

''Allow me'' Blackwood says leaning back in the chair.

''A witch's dark baptism is our most sacred unholy sacrament, the oldest of our rituals, we've been performing them for centuries. Our dark lord's book, the book of the beast, is the most ancient tome in existence'' he smiles proudly.

I jump in, ''about that, if we sign our names in the book of the beast, does that mean we're giving the dark lord dominion over our souls?'' i ask like it's mad, which it is.

''That's one interpretation, but it's largely a symbolic gesture, as rituals in most religions are...what else?'' his smile never falters, i don't trust him and Sabrina shouldn't either.

''Let's say...we do sign our names in his book, doesn't that mean he can call on us? to do his bidding?'' Sabrina asks with a quirked brow, voicing our opinions on the appalling outcomes of signing the book.

''All religions demand some sacrifice, but signing your name is more like...a pledge, let's say, that you'll abide by his commandments...do you know you're thirteen commandments?'' he asks, his British accent cutting through the air like a knife.

''We've taught them to them'' aunt Zelda cuts in proudly, ''they've learned them by heart'' aunt Hilda smiles.

Sabrina sighs, ''we're not evil people, father'' she stresses and they all start laughing except Ambrose.

I crease my brows, ''they're laughing, why are they laughing?''  i ask in my head and Sabrina answers.

''I have no idea'' she says back.

Telepathic conversations were one of the first acts of magic we learned as children, because we're twins our magic is almost linked in a way, if she feels something strongly, i feel it, if she thinks about something serious, i'll hear it, if she let's me of course, and vice versa, it's the twin thing.

''I am glad to hear it, neither am i, neither are your aunts'' Blackwood chuckles.

''But the devil...'' i say confused and he stops laughing abruptly.

''The dark lord, yes?'' he asks seriously.

Shivers run down my spine at his intense gaze, ''he is the embodiment of evil'' Sabrina says like it's obvious, i nod agreeing.

''Incorrect'' Blackwood snaps, pointing a finger at us.

''He is the embodiment of free will, good, evil, those words matter to the false god, but the dark lord is beyond such precepts'' he stresses, forehead veins popping.

''What about hell? i don't want to go there when i die'' i worry.

''Me either'' Sabrina shakes her head.

POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCONTINUED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin