An Old Zing

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General POV

"Well who's the new one?" Dracula asked after walking out from behind the lobby counter. "Had another one did you Wayne", he added purposely teasing Wayne. "No I did not have another one Drac, this is Samantha, she's Winnie's best friend. The two have known each other for years."

"She almost looks like Winnie" Mavis added, "how can you tell the difference?" She asked Wayne and Wanda. "A mother's instinct hun" Wanda said, "also Winnie is the only one who fonds over Dennis twenty-four seven" Wayne added.

Mavis and Drac laughed at Wayne's comment knowing it was completely true. "Have those two even zinged yet?" Mavis asked Wanda looking over at Winnie clinging to Dennis. "Not from what she's told me" Wanda responded.

"Well they need to hurry it up, it's not like we're got all of eternity to wait for them" Drac said jokingly. "Um, yes we do dad. Monsters are immortal, you know that." Mavis said back to her father with that same smile she has on her face whenever he says something stupid.

"Mom! Me and Dennis are gonna go walk around the hotel now!" Winnie yelled to Wanda as her and Dennis has already started to make their rounds around the hotel.

"Ok sweetie! Have fun! Wanda yelled back.


Winnie POV

"How long has it been since I've seen you in person?" I asked him. "Only a couple months, I told you I'd be like no time at all" he responded back. "You say that but it felt like forever to me", I said to him jokingly.

He laughs at what I said. "It's really good to see you again Winnie, I missed you". He said to me making the fur on my face turn completely red.

"I'm glad to see you too Zing-Zing", I embarrassingly reply back. "And after all these years you still call me that" he says jokingly. "Well yeah because you are!" I say back to him.

"But there's also the question of our actual zing, since we still haven't officially done it yet" I say to him. "And I don't want it to happen...yet" he says back to me.

"Why?" I asked him. "I want it to happen, but I want it to happen naturally" was all the response he gave me. "I think by the time it really happens, we'll know whether it feels real or not" he added.

"I guess I understand that" was the statement I gave back although I don't completely understand his basis. "Either way I still want it to happen, don't think that I won't be making sure it does", I sharply responded back.

"I know" he said looking straight ahead. "And I can't wait for that moment" he added catching me off guard.

Even though we've both known each other for so long, even though I love him and he loved me, we still haven't zinged....

Well not anymore! I have to make sure this happens before we go back home! I will make it happen....

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