Happy Infinite The8 Day! (Pocket sized Minghao)

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SEVENTEEN-TEEN-TEEN neowa na sai come on come on come on-

Your hand reached out vaguely in the direction of your alarm and turned it off. With a sleepy groan you pushed yourself up in a sitting position. It was 7 am. Since you were off on exam leave, you didn't have to go to school which meant you usually slept in until 9 am. Today, you had to get up earlier because it was Minghao's birthday and you wanted to surprise him before he came back from his dimension. 

Your pocket-sized guardian Minghao arrived on one rainy day when you had gone to your favourite coffee shop for your date. Except, your date never turned up. It had all been arranged by one of your friends who said it would be good for you to date someone since they all had boyfriends already. This was the first date that was arranged for you. Your friend had been assuring you that he's a charming guy who was perfect for you in every way. You didn't quite believe it but at her insistence, here you were, waiting for your date to turn up. Long story short, your date never did turn up but when you went back to your table after a bathroom break, pocket-sized Minghao was there leaning on your coffee mug, waiting for you.  And he's been in your life ever since.

You went through your routine of brushing your teeth, washing your face and getting dressed all the while mentally reminding yourself what you need to do for Minghao's birthday surprise before he arrived in your dimension at 9 am. He usually stayed the nights with you but had to leave last night because his members wanted to hang out with him as it was his birthday. 

You went to the kitchen and brought out cupcake dough that you made last night after he left. It was chocolate flavoured though the icing would be blueberry. You pumped the cupcake dough into two small, blue cupcake holders which would match with the blueberry icing. You put them on a tray and put them in the preheated oven to bake. It wouldn't take long for it to be done, an hour at the most. 

One hour later~

You took the tray out of the oven and inspected the cupcakes. They looked fine. You cut a small piece from one of them and tasted it. Yum. Hopefully Minghao would like it, you thought. You decorated the cupcake with blueberry icing and sprinkles on top. Not to mention a small candle so that he could make a wish. All was in order with half an hour to spare. You ate the undecorated cupcake for breakfast and brought the other one back to your room.

Minghao materialized in front of you while you were reading a book waiting for him to come back. 

"Happy birthday, Minghao!" You greeted him. "I made a cupcake for you..hopefully you'll like it!"

His eyes widened at the cupcake that was half his size. You didn't expect him to finish it all by himself of course, it's just that making a cupcake small enough for him would be almost impossible. 

"Thank you, Y/N! You didn't have to do this." He beamed up at you.

"You're welcome and no, I didn't have to but I wanted to. Make a wish!" You said.

He closed his eyes in concentration and after 10 seconds or so he opened his eyes and blew the candle. 

Pocket-sized Minghao's p.o.v

I closed my eyes and concentrated on my wish. 

"My wish is for me to be able to make Y/N happy everyday."

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