Happy Dino Day! (Pocket sized Dino)

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"Where are we going, Y/N?" asked Dino, as you gently scooped him into the pocket of your zipped up hoodie. 

"We're going to the gym," You replied. Sometimes you brought Pocket-sized Dino with you to workout at the gym so he wouldn't have to stay at home every day. 

Even though he never mentioned it or alluded to it in any way, you guessed it's probably boring for him to stay at home every day which was why you would sometimes take him out to places such as the gym, shops, libraries and cafe. You were always careful when you bring him out of the house because you didn't want to lose him or have him injured. Hence, you couldn't bring him everywhere because the jostling in crowded spaces meant he could easily get lost or fall out of your pocket and get trampled as others wouldn't be able to see him. Windy places were a no-go either as he might get blown away by the strong wind. 

Your steps echoed as you quickly walked down the stairs. You live in an apartment on the third floor of a five-floor building. There wasn't an elevator therefore you had to take the stairs. It wasn't that bad, really. At least you didn't have to climb as many stairs as those that lived on the fifth floor. 

It was early afternoon and there weren't that many people out and about. Most were workers who were just finishing lunch and getting back to work but a few were elderly citizens who were taking an after-lunch stroll. The sky was a vivid blue with no clouds in sight. The sun was shining down but not relentlessly so. Light breezes eased away any sweat that you might have from walking. 

You were taking the route you normally would when going to the gym but unbeknownst to Dino, you guys weren't actually going to the gym. It was his birthday today and you wanted to give him something out of the ordinary. It didn't seem like a simple gift would do the occasion justice. Sure, a gift that Dino would like might make him happy but you didn't think it would do much for him. Dino is thoughtful and enjoys challenges. You wanted to give him something that would mean something to him which was why you were headed to the street dance workshop. 

Now, you weren't a dancer of any kind. The most you had to do with dancing was going to Zumba sessions occasionally when your friends dragged you with them. You enjoyed those sessions because they made you feel energized and it was a different way of working out. Not that you were a gym junkie. You only went to the gym occasionally and it was more for your health than anything else. 

You always felt clumsy at the Zumba sessions which was why you never mentioned them to Dino. It wasn't like he was going to judge you or laugh at you but you still felt embarrassed about it. A street dance workshop for amateurs wasn't exactly up your alley but you had a good reason for attending one. You see, this was your present to Dino for his birthday. It was no secret that Dino loved dancing and have always danced. At home, you set up a mirror on your desk and a mouse pad to serve as a mat for him to dance on. This was where he did his dance practices and made choreographies. However, he hadn't set foot in a proper dance studio for a while. That was why you decided to sign up for this street dance workshop. Pocket-sized Dino would be able to dance in a proper dance studio again even if only for a couple of hours. You thought Dino would relish the feel of being in a proper dance studio and since this was an amateur dance workshop, it might give Dino some inspiration for new choreographies, seeing dance from the perspective of amateurs.  

Finally, you arrived at the dance studio after a short walk. You went in and was instructed to leave your belongings in a cubby hole and join everyone else. Making sure no one was paying you any attention, you carefully brought pocket-sized Dino out of your pocket and set him on the floor. He looked around, pleasantly surprised but also confused. He smiled as he recognized the place as a proper dance studio and not just some makeshift practice space on your desk at home. 

"Surprise, Dino! I thought you might be missing the feeling of dancing in a proper dance studio so we're here for a street dance workshop for amateurs. Well, I am. But you are free to dance to a different tune if you like," You explained to him, keeping your voice low so others wouldn't notice.

Pocket-sized Dino nodded and bounded to the front of the room and started doing stretches there. There was no danger of Dino being trampled or kicked here. The workshop was a small one, consisting of only about ten people, not including the two dance instructors who were teaching this workshop. Most people were gathered in the middle of the floor, with the two dance instructors in front of the room. You went and joined them. It was time for you to go all out and embarrass yourself but it would be worth it for Dino. 

After the workshop~

Pocket-sized Dino was drinking from the glass of water you set down for him on your desk in your bedroom. You were in the kitchen, taking out the small square fruit cake topped with thin slices of apple and grape from the fridge. You put a candle on it and lighted the candle and brought the cake back to your room. 

"Happy birthday, Dino!" You said as you entered the room with the cake.

You set the cake down on the table and sat down.

"Thank you, Y/N!" Dino grinned. 

You cut a tiny slice for him. Dino bit into it.

"Hmm..this is good!" Dino said, smiling. 

You picked up your fork and you guys enjoyed the cake in silence. After you guys were done, you cleared away the dishes, washed them promptly in the kitchen and came back to your room. What a day you had! The dance workshop was quite intense and tiring for sure. 

"Thank you for such a fabulous birthday, Y/N! I really appreciate it, especially since dancing wasn't your strong suit. I know it must not have been easy for you. You did quite well at the workshop, though," Dino said. 

You looked at each other for a few seconds. Then burst out laughing. 

You really didn't do that well at the workshop. Long story short, you nearly tripped three times. In the end, you were glad that your coordination was not any worse than it was. 

All in all, your embarrassment was nothing compared to how happy Dino felt being in a proper dance studio again and getting some inspiration for his next choreography. Pocket-sized Dino thoroughly enjoyed his first birthday with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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