Happy Joshua Day! (Pocket sized Joshua)

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~Saturday 29 December 11.59pm~

One minute until pocket-sized Joshua's birthday. You were in your bed trying to fight off sleepiness just so you could wish him a happy birthday right as the day started.

~Sunday 30 December 12.00am~

You watched as the time on your phone switched from 11.59pm to 12.00am. It's officially Joshua's birthday. 

"Happy birthday, Joshua," You said softly to pocket-sized Joshua, who was lying on his side next to your head with his left arm propping his head up, gazing up at you all this time while you waited for his birthday to arrive. 

"Thank you, Y/N~" He said with that soft, sweet smile of his which you so loved seeing. 

You returned with a smile of your own, put your phone on your bedside table then went to sleep.


Since Joshua was pocket-sized, you couldn't exactly do what normal people did for their birthdays such as going out to carnivals, bowling alleys or the beach as these places were more often than not crowded and it would not allow you and pocket-sized Joshua to fully enjoy each others' presence. It was for this reason that you decided to celebrate his birthday at a lavender farm not too far from where you lived as the peaceful and secluded location would allow you guys to hang out uninterrupted. 

~At the lavender farm~

The owners of the farm greeted you warmly as you arrived. There were a couple of other families around the farm, already exploring with the kids running around playing tag and adults enjoying conversations in the pavilion in the middle of the lavender field. 

With pocket-sized Joshua perched on your left shoulder, you headed towards a hammock situated between two pines trees. You swung your bag off your shoulder and lay down in the hammock. Pocket-sized Joshua climbed down to your stomach and sat there, facing you. Your hand strayed to the ground and picked up a pinecone. You knew Joshua liked the smell of pinecones. 

"Catch, Joshua!" You pretended to throw the pinecone at Joshua, which was slightly larger than him.

"Woah!" He ducked.

"Gotcha!" You laughed as he realized you didn't actually throw the pinecone at him. 

He pouted at you until you offered the pinecone. He stood up and embraced the pinecone, breathing its musky scent in. You smiled seeing him like that, with his eyes closed and a content smile on his lips. 

Next, you guys rode on the flying fox. There was a huge spider on the seat and you had to prod it with a stick until it dropped to the ground. You swiped the silk that connected the spider to the seat so it wouldn't climb back up. This whole ordeal took a while because you were scared of spiders. You and pocket-sized Joshua breathed a sigh of relief when you finally got rid of the spider. He rode on his own and with you on your shoulders on the flying fox. It was his first time riding on one and he was thrilled with the experience of having the wind whip past him which made him feel invincible somehow, as though he was part of a greater adventure. 

After that, you went over to the lavender field side of the farm. Amid the neat rows of lavender bushes, there was a path that led to a pavilion. The previous occupants had left so it now stood empty, waiting for its next visitors. You took photos of the beautiful lavender field while Joshua admired it from your shoulder. One of the farm owners wandered over and taught you how to get the smell from the lavender bushes and informed you that you could pick a few stems from the bushes to take home with you. You thanked him and proceeded to pick a few. You would bring those up to your left shoulder inconspicuously where pocket-sized Joshua sat so he could smell them. 

Finally, you sat down on the side of the sturdy wooden bridge atop a shallow, flowing river and watched the water as it flowed downstream to cool off. You and pocket-sized Joshua were lost in your own thoughts, feeling at peace and comfortable with each others' presence. The willow trees on the embankment provided shade so it wasn't too hot and you weren't exposed to the hot, scorching sun overhead. 

"We had a good day, didn't we?" You broke the silence.

"Yeah, definitely. Thank you for this amazing day, Y/N," Joshua replied. 

"No problem at all. It's your birthday after all. I wanted you to have a good one." You said. 

"I would forever cherish this day in my memory and be thankful for the fact you didn't actually throw that pinecone at me," Joshua chuckled. 

You laughed too.


It was bedtime now but before the day's over you had one more surprise for pocket-sized Joshua. You entered your room with an adorable monkey travel pillow that you bought as a present for him. Even though pocket-sized Joshua never said anything to you or did anything to suggest he wasn't comfortable with his current sleeping arrangements, you knew he didn't find it comfortable and often returned to his dimension to sleep and return in the morning before you woke up. 

"Time for your birthday present, Joshua," You said as you sat down on your bed. He was already waiting for you.

"Oh! I thought our time at the lavender farm was the present?" He said.

"That's not the only present I have for you," You explained, "Here, this is for you. I know the current sleeping arrangement for you isn't the most comfortable so I bought this travel pillow for you so you can sleep soundly and comfortably from now on."

"Thank you so much, Y/N! I really appreciate it," He settled into the curve of the travel pillow. "But why a monkey?"

"Because the monkey is adorable and mischievous just like you. Also, one of your favourite colours is brown," You replied. 

"Ah, I see," He smiled.

You switched off the lights.

"Good night, Joshua," You said.

"Good night, Y/N. Thank you for a wonderful birthday," He said.

Even in the dark, he saw your smile. 

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