Happy Woozi day!! (Pocket sized Woozi)

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"I'm home!" You yelled while walking into the living room of your house. You had just returned from work as a part-time lifeguard at the local beach. Today had been a chill day, no accidents occurred with a fun-loving crowd who knew how to be responsible. You enjoyed watching those beachgoers enjoying themselves especially the kids who built sand castles and shrieked with excitement as the first wave of the sea kissed their sand studded toes. Their laughter echoing around in the wind always made you smile. 

Pocket sized Woozi teleported from wherever he was to the armrest of your living room sofa. 

"Welcome home, Y/N!" His lips curled into a smile. You never allowed him to go to work for fear of his safety. You were scared he would get lost plus you needed to focus on your work anyway. If he was there, he would most definitely be a distraction. Not that it was his fault, of course.

"Are we going to have an X men movie marathon tonight?" Woozi asked.

"Of course! You go on ahead, I'll be there in a sec!" You replied. You promised Woozi that you guys would have an X men movie marathon on his birthday.

You microwaved popcorns and brought the citrus flavoured ice cream cake out of the fridge. You wanted to make him a cake yourself initially but after a few tries, it was obvious your baking skills weren't up to scratch so you decided to buy a cake for him from the local bakery, making sure that he didn't see the cake before his birthday. A slice was cut and you put it on a plate then added a lighted candle on top.

The bowl of popcorn in one hand, the slice of cake in the other, you went to your room. Pocket-sized Woozi had already managed to switch on your laptop and was waiting for you patiently beside it. You placed the bowl and plate down on the table while Woozi came closer. 

As Woozi looked at the cake, you burst into the happy birthday song. Your voice was far from perfect but that hardly mattered. It's the thought that counted. Woozi was already blushing in his cute and adorable way as you finished the song.

"Make a wish!" You prompted. He stood before the cake that was pretty much half his height and closed his eyes, concentrating on his wish. After a while, he stepped away and opened his eyes. You then proceeded to cut a very tiny piece for him. Now, he didn't need to eat in your dimension but it was his birthday cake after all so he ate some anyway.

"It's good! I like the flavour!" Woozi exclaimed after biting into his cake.

"I'm glad you like it!" You said with a grin.

After finishing the slice of cake, you made yourself comfortable on your bed with the bowl of popcorn and propped your laptop on your thighs. Woozi sat comfortably on your shoulder. X-Men: First Class started playing.

~Time lapse 9 hours~

As you were halfway into the fifth X men movie, you noticed that Woozi had drifted off to sleep. You quietly turned off your laptop. During the third movie, he decided to lie back on your tummy instead of sitting on your shoulder. You carefully and gently scooped the sleeping pocket-sized Woozi into your palms and put him on his pillow and pulled his mini blanket over him. 

You put the bowl and laptop on your table then went to bed. The bowl could be washed later. 

Just before sleep overtook you, you heard Woozi sigh Y/N contentedly.

Pocket-sized SEVENTEENOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora