april 2nd

889 14 1

Dear jack,

Its been a month since we broke up. I decided to write about my thoughts, about how I missed you oh I loved you. Jack you completed me I shouldn't of made you my everything becuase now I have nothing. Thats the funny thing when I finally found something to call mine I loose it. Did that whole year even mean anything to you? I wonder that every minute, how could you just leave? I thought we were going pretty good great even. Today at school was horrid, I saw you, you were happy, happier than me. I'm going to be honest i haven't been the most "gratified " lately as my mom says. I was always happy with you ecstatic even you were my pride and joy I know that sounds cheesy but sue me for feeling that way. I've been talking to sammy. He says you've changed and im not sure if that's a good or bad thing I asked and sammy stayed silent. I hope your having fun, I hope your doing okay, me on the other hand im not. I miss you do you still even miss me? I ask about you now and then, its kinda hard to hear your name when I havnt really heard it in so long, its like a knife jabbing through my heart, I break everytime I hear it, but I'm used to the pain. I wonder how you feel when you hear my name? I wonder a lot of things about you, only becuase your on my mind 25/8 whoops. its getting late im going to try to sleep I havn't slept very well I cant sleep. I guess you can say im heartbroken

sincerley, Nichole.

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