The orpanage

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I've been walking for a few hours now trying to find an orphanage around here, but it seems like nobody gives a fuck about me or where I'm going, I tried to ask people for directions, but they walked right past me as if I'm a ghost. I walked up to a woman, who looked around her early 20, who was sitting on a bench reading a newspaper "e-excuse me, c-can you help m-me find the o-o-orphanage" I mentally cursed myself for stuttering, but at least she understood me. She turned to me with a kind smile and said "sure. You must be new to New York?" she asked, she was very beautiful, I would totally try to get with her, but I'm gay, but not openly gay though. I nodded at her question as she gave me another smile " ok, just follow me and I'll lead you there" she said standing up while putting the paper down, I tried to tell her she didn't have to but she just brushed me off. I started following after her, she kept her pace light so I was able to keep up and not get lost in the crowd. After walking for a bit in silence, we finally made it to the orphanage, and let me tell you it was huge! Not like any other orphanage I've been put in. " well, here we are. Do you need anything else?" She asked with a somewhat concern look, I slightly cringed at the sight but I didn't show it, I quickly nodded as she smiled once a again and walked off. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to face the wrath of the place, I walked up the small steps of the orphanage and opened the doors and walked in, it was quiet I don't like the quiet it scares me, I was walking around the halls passing some rooms and other stuff until someone called out to me "hello, how may I help you?" Asked a elderly woman, she looked like she was in her mid 40s "o-oh, u-um-" I stuttered out "are you here to adopt?" She asked walking closer, I quickly shook my head 'no' "a-actually I-I'm here b-because I'm a-an orphan, I ran a-away  from my f-foster parents a-and  came here, h-hoping  for a new s-start" I said stuttering worse when I mentioned my old foster parents. The elderly woman nodded her head understanding what I was saying "ah I see...hmm do you have any paper work?" She asked now standing in front of me, I felt a pit in my stomach when asked about my paper work, my old foster parents would always tell lies about me and make it seem like I was a troublemaker, and I could never tell them what really goes down. I shook my head sadly seeing as she wouldn't let me stay here without any papers. "I see, well since your desperately trying to get a new start, we'll let you stay, we'll just get your old paper work from where you were staying. Now where were you staying before?" She asked looking at me with pity and curious eyes "u-um...V-Vermont" I said hoping she knew where that was "ok, so you weren't that far. I hope you didn't come here on foot" she asked worried, looking me up and down. I quickly shook my head " n-no, I-I took t-the bus" I said quickly so I wouldn't see her pity or concerned face again " oh thank goodness" she said with great relief, I gave her a confused look but didn't say anything. "Ok, come with me and I'll show you to your room" she said walking away, wait I-I have my own r-room, I thought as I followed her. " I-I get a r-room to m-myself" I asked with a bewildered look " of course! All kids get there own room, that's why we have so many rooms. Some are spare while others are taken" she said with a kind smile as she opened a door to a medium size room, my mouth gaped open at the was beautiful! This can't be my room! This has to belong to somebody else, the lady turned to me with a smile " you like it?" She asked with a slight chuckle in between. I nodded shocked as I walked in and look around more " I'm glad, because it's yours now" she said with a genuine smile "I-It is" I asked shocked " yup. Well I'll leave you to get sorted out, do you have any clothes?" She asked as she turned back to me, I felt another pit form in my stomach seeing as I didn't pack any clothes, I shook my head at her question " it's ok dear, no need to feel sad, I'll just send someone to take you shopping one day. Ok?" She said I nodded my head happily at her request " ok. Well I'll- wait what's your name I didn't catch it?" She asked " A-Alexander. My n-name is A-Alexander Hamilton" I said stuttering a bit, I thought she would be annoyed by my stuttering, but she  just smiled and nodded " nice to meet you Alexander. I'm Ella" she said with a kind smile, I forced one in return, she turn to leave once again and closed the door behind her. I felt like I didn't belong here, like this is a dream...

Because it is, why would they give a useless fuck like you,  your own room

Your right she's only doing this to make  me think she's nice, then she's gonna turn sour

That's right Alex, no one will ever love you, you'll die alone

Y-yeah, I'll die alone. No one will love me.

You should just go jump off a cliff, and this time make sure you do it right

I shook my head of these thoughts, I shouldn't be thinking this, b-but there! Ugh they just want me to believe them, b-but they're wrong I-I just need a nap even though I took one already. I really need this one

Bonjour mes amies, it's ya girl the author. Hope you like this chappie, I personally enjoyed writing this, because it was hella awesome and fun.

Here's what Alex's room look like, I would be pretty awestruck too

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Here's what Alex's room look like, I would be pretty awestruck too. Well that's all for now. Bye!! 👋❤️🇫🇷

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