The Revolutionary Set

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We walked into the classroom and was meet with a lot of students playing and joking with there friends. "W-wow is this w-what c-chaos looks l-like" I asked john as we continued walking in " yup. Pretty loud but you'll get use to it" he said as he walked over to a small group which contained four people; three girls and one boy; " hello fellow friends, I have arrived" john said with a dramatic bow " yeah whatever" said one of the girls with dark skin " Angie don't be rude" scolded the one with black hair " I'm not" the same from before shot back " shush you guys! I'm trying to listen!" Desperately yelled the third one " uh...guys I want you to meet someone" John said while moving out of the way so they can see; way to put me in the spotlight like that; " u-um hi..." I said shyly waving " hello. You must be new, I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Eliza, that's Peggy-" she started but Peggy chimed in " hi!!" She said with a excited smile and glitter falling from her hair " that's Angelica or Angie-" she stated then Angelica chimed in also " hey" she said with a simple head nod as she continued drawing on the guy's hand who was still unknown to me " and we're the Schuyler sister, but you don't have to call us that" Eliza said with a kind smile " o-oh o-ok" I said as I took a seat " why do you stutter so much" asked Peggy with a curious look " u-um..." that was all I could get out I didn't know what to say " Peggy you can't go up to people and ask them that. I'm sorry about her behavior, I'm Hercules mulligan, but you can call me herc" said the man whose name I now know " I-It's o-ok, I-I'll understand I-If it g-gets annoying" I said looking away a bit " annoying! I find it cute" Eliza said while Peggy gave a nod of agreement and Angelica mumbled a small 'me too' " o-oh..." I said looking back at them " we still don't know your name, do you have you?" Asked Peggy while squinting her eyes " y-yes?..." I said a bit hesitant as I leaned back a bit " oh ok! What is it then?"She asked tilting her head to the side a bit " A-Alexander H-Hamilton" I said trying my best not to stutter but failed miserably " aw what a cute name" Eliza cooed " well Alex, welcome to the gang. The revolutionary set!" Mulligan said with a loud and mighty voice that caught some students attention " yeah, you'll have to get use to that also" john said while nudging me a bit " I-I see w-why" I said John was about to say something until I was pulled into a big bear hug by mulligan " c-can't b-breathe..." I said as I struggled to get out " oh sorry, don't know my own strength" said mulligan with a sheepish look as I took deep breaths " I-It's ok, j-just give m-me a h-heads u-up n-next time" I said as I gave him a smile. I obviously had to look up at him seeing as I'm 5'5 and he's probably 6' something " alright. I'll keep that in mind" he said with a thumbs up " good. Don't want you crushing our new student" john said as he placed a hand on my shoulder " students, I'm gonna need you guys to settle down and take a seat" said the teacher; who's name was Mrs. olive; the kids quickly quiet down and sat in there seats " good now today I was informed that we have a new student. Mr. Hamilton would you like to come up and introduce yourself" asked Mrs. olive with sweet and kind voice, I nodded my head as I walked up to the front of the class so they could see me better " u-um...m-my name i-is Alexander H-Hamilton..." I started off " what do you like to do for fun Alexander?" Asked Mrs. olive " u-um I l-like t-to read a-and write" I stated "nerd!" Someone yelled out as him and his group of friends started laughing " Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Lee! That is Inappropriate! Go the principle's office!" Mrs. Olive yelled in a booming voice as the two boys got up and walked to the door, while leaving out they gave me sinister looks and left out. I felt my blood run cold as I walked back to my seat " hey you ok?" Asked John with a concerned look; first day here and I'm already making people concerned. Isn't that wonderful hint the sarcasm; " y-yeah I-I'm fine" I said as I brushed of his worried glances;I better keep myself together, I don't want nobody to know about my past, not even them. Nobody needs to know what happened;

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bonjour mes amies. It's ya girl the author. Here's another chapter I hope you enjoy it, I might leave my first book alone for a bit; seeing as it has so many chapters; and work with this on for awhile. Well that's it for now. Bye 👋🇫🇷❤️

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