I hate P.E.

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I'm gonna start off by saying I hate P.E.!! Like why do I have it for first period?! I know I'm fit, but I do not like to exercise!! And that's what I'm being forced to do! Our coach ; Coach David; is making us run laps until our legs fall off and that's messed up!! It's not our fault your wife left!! Coach David then blew his whistle and we all stopped "alright that's enough. Go gets some water then go change, the bell about to ring" he stated in a gruff voice. I walked over to the water fountain and took a gulp of water then I walked towards the locker room "monsieur Thomas" Laf thrilled as he walked towards me "what's up Laf" I said as I turned towards him "guess who's birthday comin up?" He asked in his thick French accent " um...yours?" I asked my face scrunched up in confusion. Laf's face then falls as a look of hurt flashes through his eyes "mon birthday is in September...." he said his voice cracking slightly "shit my bad Laf" I apologize as I rubbed his shoulder " it's d'accord....anyways! Mon petite lion told me Angie's birthday is coming up and so is papa gwash" Laf thrilled as he walked towards his locker "cool, when's lex birthday?" I asked as I opened my locker "mon petite lion's birthday is January the 11th" Laf said as he began to change into his normal clothes "what?! I missed his birthday?!?!" I asked very upset. "Oui but it was nothing special. We gave him a cupcake and Laurens gave him a gift" he mumbled as he struggled with his shirt "damn...I wonder why he never told me" I mumbled dumbfounded "that was when toi guys weren't amies" Laf stated as he grabbed his books "oh..." I said stupidly as we walked out together. Once the bell rung, me and Laf spilt ways and I headed to debate class.

"Uh do whatever you want I'm super dead!!" I yelled as the students went wild. "Excuse me! That's enough! Hamilton take a walk! Burr have a seat! We shall reconvene after a brief recess!" Our debate teacher shouted. I let out a huff as I walked out the classroom and stood outside the door, I then heard footsteps coming towards the class. I looked up and saw Thomas "Thomas! Hey!" I called out he looked up all confused before his eyes settled on me. "Hey lex! Why are you outside the classroom?" He asked as he walked closer "some stupid debate I had with Aaron" I grumbled "you mean the new kid Aaron?" He asked with a head tilt "yup that's the one" I mumbled as he sent me a glare "Alexander, you were suppose to be nice to him" Thomas scolded "are you forgetting what he told me when we first met?! He told me to talk less!! Like what's that suppose to mean?! Is he implying that I talk too much?!" I rambled "he is definitely implying that you talk too much, but there's nothing wrong with that because you yourself know you talk too much" Thomas stated with a soft smile which made my heart flutter "I know but I don't like hearing it from someone who I just met..." I mumbled "that's why you were told to get along with him" Thomas stated with a chuckle "fine! I'll try to get along with him!" I grumbled as I crossed my arms "good. Now go apologize" Thomas said as he kissed me on the cheek and opened the door. I stood there flustered as some students saw him kiss me on the cheek, I huffed before sending him a glare. "I love you" he mouthed while blowing me a kiss, I blushed a bright red but still I blew him a kiss back which caused him to smile brightly; I'm dating a dufus...but he's my dufus;

Bonjour mes amies!! It's ya girl the author, here's another chapter and I hope you enjoy it. I deeply apologize for not updating anything recently but school is a bitch. Also we hit 41k!! That's so amazing!! Well that's all for now, Bon-voyage!! 💕👋🏽🐢🇫🇷

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