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Many POV switches mostly between Alex and Thomas; mild fluff warning ⚠️

Exams are coming up and I feel so fucking stressed out, I have been studying day and night with the pressure that I might fail. I mean I am at the top of all my classes but at the same time I feel like a dumbass. I let out a loud groan as I slammed my book shut, I gently placed it down as I rubbed my head. I soon began to sport a headache and I cursed myself for pushing so hard. I felt tears brim my eyes, I can't fail I have to pass if I don't I won't go to college. I promised Ma I'd go to college even if she wouldn't see me graduate. I placed my head in my hands and silently cried, I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed Thomas before any thoughts came to mind. "Thomas..." I mumbled into the phone "hey lex...whassup?" He slurred into the phone, probably should've checked the time before I called. "I'm sorry love I'm having one of my episodes again" I mumbled dryly there was silence on the other end until I heard the sound of clothes shuffling "I'm coming to pick you up" Thomas said fully woken up "what? No you don't have to do that. I just need to hear you love" I said with a sigh. I can tell he knows I'm lying "I know you better than anyone lex. I'll be there in a few" he said with a chuckle then he hung up. I blushed as I sat my phone down. How'd I get so lucky with Thomas?

I shuffled on a jacket and quickly grabbed John's keys. I headed out the door and towards John's car, he wouldn't mind if I borrowed it for a while. I slid into the car and quickly drove to lex's place, the drive was kinda short but I silently pulled up into the driveway quickly turning the car lights off. I got out the car and walked towards Alex's window, I gathered some small pebbles to get his attention. I began to chuck the pebbles at his window, after the third one he opened his window. "Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair" I humored as he rolled his eyes "catch me you dork" he said as he swung his legs over his window sill "whatever darlin' " I chuckled as I held my arms out. Alex easily jumped and I easily caught him, he was as light as a feather. I smiled lovingly down at my love and I gently kissed his nose, He blushed a bright red then he covered his face. "We've talked about this darlin' I want to see those pretty eyes of yours" I purred as I nuzzle his hands silently begging them to move "no..." he mumbled shyly I let out a huff and grabbed his hands moving them from his face. His eyes sparkled slightly and the longer I stared the more I fell for him "I love you lex" I whispered as I pecked his lips "I love you too" he whispered back as he returned the loving gesture. I smiled down at my lovely treasure and carried him back to the car. How'd I get so lucky with Alexander?

The car ride was very quiet but in a good way, I really needed this something to ease my mind. I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my seat "what's wrong?" Thomas asked while glancing over at me "I can't stop thinking about the exams" I mumbled as I pulled at my sleeves "hey it's gonna be okay, I try not to think too hard about them" he said with a small shrug "yea but I wanna go to college Tommy..." I whined "so do I!" He thrilled with a chuckle "but I'm so dumb! I know that I will fail the exams and I'll be seen as a failure to the Washingtons so they'll most likely kick me out and then I'll have to live in a box by a gas station!" I yelled as I threw my hands up in exasperation "woah! Alexander, you are not dumb! You are the most smartest and amazing person I have ever met! Do not say that about yourself! I love you so much darlin' but I can't stand the way you talk about yourself like this" he said with so much passion and pain "I'm sorry love...I'm really trying..." I mumbled "it's okay...I'm sorry for yelling at know you can come to me for anything, right?" He asked giving me a worried glance "yea I know" I said with a small smile "good" he mumbled as he held his hand out. My smile grew bigger as I clasped my smaller hands into his bigger ones, he easily intertwined our hands together while his other hand gripped the wheel tightly his eyes on the road. I'm so glad I met Thomas

I slowly pulled the car to a stop as I looked over at Alex, he was still awake but he was so deep in his thoughts I doubt he realized the car stopped. "Alexander" I called out as I shook his shoulder "hm? Oh! We're here? Wait where are we?" He asked looking out the window "the beach" I said casually as I got out the car "the beach!" I heard him shout as I walked around to his "yea the beach, it's a great stress reliever" I said as I carried my love out the car "I can walk you know..." he mumbled his face turning red "I know but it's better this way" I said as I hip jutted the door "whatever dork" he mumbled. I continued carry my love until we reached the beach, the way the moon shined on the water looked so beautiful. I gently sat Alex down and watched him silently, his figure instantly relaxing as he breath in the salty air. I watched as he began to wander away, he went further on the beach before looking back at me "come on I want you to enjoy this to" he called out. I quickly walked over to him not wanting to disappoint my love, he slowly sat down in the sand as if he wasn't sure. I quickly followed suit sitting closely next to him "this is beautiful" he whispered softly "it surely is" I said barely glancing at the moon, my eyes were focused on the most captivating thing in the world. He let out a sigh as he leaned against me, I could practically feel his worry slip away the longer he stared. "Thank you Thomas, I really needed this" he said while looking up at me "anything for you Alexander" I whispered as I leaned down connecting our lips. The kiss lasted longer than expected but it was amazing, I smiled lazily at my beautiful jewel who looked at me with pink cheeks. He slowly moved his focus back to the water and so did I. A few minutes passed and I could hear the soft snores from Alexander, I glanced down at him and saw he was fast asleep. I smiled softly and picked him up and carried him back to the car. I'm so glad I met Alexander

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