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The bus ride home was as uneventful as one would have expected, the only source of entertainment coming from the occasional raindrop falling down the fogged up window. With every drop of water, Dan came to realise how tired he really was, his eyelids drooping every so often, bringing him dangerously close to unconsciousness. The only thing stopping him from doing just that were the potholes littering the road, causing the vehicle to spasm violently, jerking him back to life.

It was oddly entertaining watching the heads of the other passengers sway in unison with every bump and bend in the road, not unlike the little figures you'd see on a foosball table.

He let out a sigh maybe a tad louder than anticipated, but, as if on cue, his phone vibrated in his hand, where it had been ignored in favour of staring into space.

From Phil 5:37

Nearly home yet?

He allowed himself a moment to smile to himself, warmth seeming to radiate from the screen.

To Phil 5:38

Don't worry, I'll be home soon enough to beat you at Mario kart

And at that moment, he remembered the idea Phil had proposed a few hours prior; it wasn't a bad idea at all, in fact, he found himself looking forward to the whole ordeal but when you put yourself on the internet, you have to consider the whole picture, like who can see you? More specifically, can bad people see you? In this case, Dan found himself pondering the possibility of his Dad stumbling upon said video once it went public. The chances were slim, but Phil was a relatively big YouTuber; the video had a good chance of ending up on the site's homepage, where his dad was sure to notice him.

This was stupid; he shook his head a little too violently considering he was in full sight of the other passengers. He was an adult, for Christ's sake, why should he let his dad dictate his every choice like he still had full control over him? He was going to film that video with Phil, regardless of whether his dad should happen to stumble upon it or not; it was none of his bloody business.


"I'm home!" Dan's voice rang through the otherwise silent apartment, and it took less than ten seconds for Phil to appear in the living room doorway, leaning nonchalantly on the frame, doing a poor impersonation of someone who definitely hadn't been waiting for the other to get home all day.

Dan draped his jacket across the radiator, letting his mind delve deeper into uncharted territories; what does one do in a situation like this? Go in for a hug? That wouldn't give off any romantic implications, would it? It was quite clear that the other had missed him a great deal, despite his efforts to hide it, but before he could think any more, he felt two arms wrap around him, albeit loosely. He stared up in surprise at Phil, who had seemed to have read his mind and taken the liberty of initiating said hug, though his face had turned a deep scarlet colour, as if scared of rejection.

But as quickly as the two men came into contact, Phil let go, his arms falling limply to his side's once more.

"Sorry, I should have asked you if you wanted to-" he flustered, "the apartment has just been too quiet without you and... And maybeimissedyouatinybit" the floor must have become extremely interesting at that particular moment, because not a moment later, he was staring intently down at it, like he was analysing every bit of thread in the carpet.

It was probably the nicest thing Dan had ever heard, so nice, in fact, that he wasn't sure he'd heard correctly, but before he knew it, he found himself approaching Phil of his own accord, placing his arms around the other man's waist firmly and holding him in a warm embrace.

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