Chapter 4: Pinoy Bliss Returns

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April 18 in Cleveland, Ohio

It was the Superstar Shake up, and we were all in suspense because we don't who is coming or going to Raw and SmackDown. The gang was backstage as we watched the monitor to see who is coming to Raw.

El Idolo!

We looked up and see Andrade "Cien" Almas and his manager Zelina Vega making their entrance. We were all shocked to see him on Raw.

Seth: I seen these two on SmackDown, and man their chemistry is really strong. It seems you two have some competition.

Finn: the big difference is that Almas and Vega are "business partners" while Alex and Alexa are legit engaged.

It didn't take too long for Cien, after his match he grabbed a mic.

Cien: I see on Raw that there is a certain engaged couple known together as Pinoy Bliss.

He passed the mic to Zelina.

Zelina: your chemistry is nothing like me and Cien's chemistry. We propose a match against you two next week. Bliss, Auditore it will be tranquillo!

It didn't take too long for Alexa and me to respond. We came out to the arena with loud cheers directed at us while we were holding hands.

Alex: Buenos noches, Cien. I have to say that was an impressive debut, it so tranquillo.

Alexa: and Zelina you haven't faced anyone like the Goddess before. Do I have to mention that I was a two time SmackDown Women's Champion and a four time Raw Women's Champion?

Alex: where were you and your business partner when we were winning championships?

Alexa: babe let me answer that, they were down below us.

Alex: as for your little proposal Zelina. My fiancée and I accept. You and Cien vs. Pinoy Bliss

The crowd cheered loudly.

(Next week on Raw)

Graves: what a main event we have tonight! Andrade "Cien" Almas and his business partner Zelina Vega will take on the engaged couple of Pinoy Bliss Alex Auditore and Alexa Bliss in mixed tag team action.

Cole: and that match is next.

(14 minutes later at the gorilla)

We were wearing our matching attires. Alexa was wearing her dark red and blue attire with some black and pink, and I was wearing my black attire with the Pinoy Bliss colors of red, blue, yellow, white and pink.

Alex: in a few minutes we will prove to Cien and Zelina, that our chemistry is stronger than theirs.

Alexa: those two are just "business partners" we are an engaged couple.

We gave each other a kiss.

Production staff: okay guys, you're up.

(Fast forward to end of the match)

Graves: Almas hits the Hammerlock DDT on Auditore.



Thre- I got my shoulder up

Cole: no one kicked out of the Hammerlock DDT before.

Cien and I are laid out and we dragged our bodies to our corners and tagged in the ladies.

Graves: the Goddess all fired up against Vega.

Alexa flattened Zelina with the moonsault knee to the gut.

Graves: what a move from the Goddess



Thre- broken up by Almas!

Saxton: oh wait here comes Alex, AKO! There goes Almas!

Graves: Vega back on her feet, but is met by a kick from Bliss.

Alexa motioned me to come to her, and proceeded to stand on my shoulders.

Graves: we've seen this before, the Goddess on the Pinoy Prince's shoulders, the Rising Bliss. Bliss with the pinfall.




Announcer: here are your winners, Alexa Bliss and Alex Auditore, Pinoy Bliss!

Graves: what great chemistry between the engaged couple!

Saxton: Cien and Vega gave it all they have, but it wasn't enough to put Pinoy Bliss away.

Alexa and I gave each other a kiss as the crowd cheered.

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